![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 1 snowpolo 1 Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World - 1](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/snowpolo-1.png?x72261)
All people, who are exercising or playing sports, just need to feel the entertainment through these different activities and sports. Sport is a very important activity to our bodies and brains through which we could entertain, play and exercise. People differ in their choices of sports, every one plays what he prefer or like most; but there are some mysterious sports which are not known for many. We all know chess and we all know boxing, but have you ever heard about chess boxing?! What about camel wrestling or bog snorkeling?!
Here are 22 of most mysterious sports from around the world
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 2 Shin Kicking](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/shinkicking-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 3 Quidditch](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/quidditch-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 4 Wife Carrying (it could be your own wife or your neighbor's but should be over 17 years old)](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/wifecarrying-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 5 Camel Wrestling](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/camelwrestling-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 6 Bossaball (it is a mix of volleyball, soccer and gymnastics which allows you to hit the ball with any part of your body)](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/bossaball-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 7 Kite Tubing ( it is one of the most dangerous sports)](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/kitetubing-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 8 Mountain Unicycling ( it needs some of extra skills to manuever)](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/mountainunicycling-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 9 Toe Wrestling](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/toewrestling-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 10 Pesapallo (Finnish Baseball)](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/pesapalio-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 11 Bo-taoshi ( consists of two teams, each team includes 150 people divided into 75 attackers and 75 defenders and the goal is to knock down the other team's pole)](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/botaoshi-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 12 Extreme Ironing](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/extremeironing-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 13 Cheese Rolling ( who crosses the finish line wins the cheese)](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cheeserolling-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 14 Snow Polo](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/snowpolo-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 15 Kaninhop (Bunny Jumping) with trained bunnies jumping over obstacles](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/kaninhop-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 16 Man vs. Horse (man is to beat a horse and finish a line of 22 miles)](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/manvshorse-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 17 Bog Snorkeling (swimming 120 meters through the bog depending ob the power of the flippers)](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/bog-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 18 Cardboard Tube Dueling](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cardboard-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 19 Moustache Growing](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/moustache-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 20 Chess Boxing (consists of 11 round of chess and boxing and you can win either by a checkmate or a knockout or the judges decision)](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/chessboxing-1.png?x72261)
![Top 20 Most Mysterious Sports From Around The World 21 Buzkashi (it is the national sport of Afghanistan and its goal is to grab a carcass of a headless goat)](https://www.pouted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/buzkashi-1.png?x72261)