Fashion Magazine

20 Weirdest Nail Art Ideas That Should Not Exist

While several nail trends are sparsely readily accepted, such as Jelly nails or the negative space nail designs. However, as for the nails which appear like dead bugs, lit candles, or poppable pimples, we will pass. And if anybody thinks that the nail mentioned above styles can be worn on fingernails without some people reacting a certain way? They are mistaken. These nail designs are way too awkward and probably should never exist. Just when you think that you have seen all, there is to the weirdest nails, these surfaces. Here are the 20 most bizarre nail art ideas that should not exist.

1 Corkscrew Nails

These nails made quite a stir when they appeared on the internet a short while ago. These nails are so weird, people who have them as nails don’t know what to do with them. They make the owners unable to do anything with their hands. The corkscrew nail art, for sure, is one of the nail art designs that should not see the light of day.

2 Coloured Pencil Nails

The most annoying thing about the colored pencil nail art design is the fact that the pencil just does not work. So, why would someone want them on their fingers? This nail art is merely weird. Apart from being funny, it is difficult to wear this out in public without getting chased down the street. They are funny and should never exist.

3 Period Nails

The Period Nails is a style of nail art that was recently displayed on Instagram. Apart from the fact that they tend to look feminists, they have not much use. With all the art and designs, it is weird that this nail art has just little use.

4 Sonogram Nails

Why some mothers place their sonograms on their refrigerators, other people turn them into art. The sonogram nails are so weird that you wonder why they exist in the first place.

5 Blinking Eye Nails

This blinking eye nail art will give you the heebie-jeebies. Having eye nail designs is already weird as it is, let alone the blinking eye. This nail art is so creepy that it probably shouldn’t exist at all.

6 Zit Nails

The Zit Nails is one of the grossest nail arts by far. They are so awkward and weird that you wonder what they are used for. It is even more blatant when you find out that they are used for popping pimples.

7 Dead bug Nails

The dead bug nail art looks like something straight from your nightmares. This weird nail art is just spooky that you wonder why they exist in the first place.

8 Teeth Nails

This teeth nail art is among some of the weirdest nail arts that we have sent our eyes on. Just when you think that you have seen the most bizarre of them all, these come along. The teeth nail art makes a woman’s hand look weird. Imagine the odd image of 10 teeth tugging at the tips of your fingers. It is funny and should not exist.

9 Hairy Selfie Nails

The hairy selfie nail art is on another level of scary. The hair on the nails takes it to a different level of weird. This nail design is so strange that it probably shouldn’t have existed when it is evident that you are trying to scare people with this one.

10 Negative Space Nails

The Negative space nail art is a nail style that invokes feelings of weirdness when you first set your eyes on them. Each time you look at the nail arts, you get to ask yourself what the nail designer was thinking when he was designing them.

11 Reptile Nails

The reptile nail arts are a great example of some of the scariest nail arts out there. While the texture of the nail appears somewhat lovely, however, the method that the nail blends with the skin are peculiar.

12 Comb Nails

Now, are you going to comb your hair with these nails? How does this nail artwork for functionality? While the weird nail design may be useful in smoothing the hair of a toddler, but these bizarre nail styles will be quite annoying to carry around.

13 Jelly Nails

This 1990-inspired nail art still looks weird despite it being from an essential era for fashion. This does not stop the fact that it seems funny and strictly lacks functionality. They probably should have never existed.

14 Braces Nail

The Braces nail art gets its inspiration from the actual braces used for straightening the teeth. While we have seen them in people’s mouths, we wonder what they will be doing on people’s fingernails except to scare them. It is so weird and lacks any primary function.

15 Snow Globe Nails

The Snow Globe was supposed to be your favorite holiday nail art for last year’s Christmas. Instead, it ended up on our top list of weird nail arts that probably shouldn’t have existed. While some people try them for fun, we wonder what they see in them, except for the level of weirdness and lack of functionality.

16 Pierced Nails

The pierced nail art also made it to the list of our top weirdest nail art ideas, which should never have existed. Lots of people seem to like the style, but it comes off as an odd design that should be ditched.

17 Stormi Nails

This nail art idea is one of the weirdest designs that we have seen on the internet all year. It got its inspiration from the first image of Kylie Jenner’s baby on the internet. Then, a nail stylist decided that it would be an excellent idea for nail art. While we all love the cute image of the famous toddler, but the last place that we would want to see the baby is on all ten fingertips. It is gross and just plain weird.

18 Sushi Nails

Anybody that likes sushi will find this nail art to be pretty weird. While the trend of using sushi images as nail arts is fast becoming standard, people still think that it is still strange to relate sushi to the fingernails. It lacks any primary function that it should never have existed.

19 Birthday Nails

The birthday nail art design appears somewhat dangerous. The confetti decorated nail style comes with real candles on them. This is pretty weird that the taught of what lit candles on ten fingers can do in seconds is better imagined.

20 The Unicorn Horn Nails

The Unicorn horn nails are one of the weirdest nail art designs that will make you cringe with a repulse. While unicorns are hardly ever seen, however, the last place that you want to see one is on somebody’s fingernails.
