Weight Loss with the Help of Healthy Life & Garcinia Cambogia

As huge as the humans’ desire for perfection, are the products that promise, truthfully or not, to make the dreams come true. Among the pieces that form today’s image of perfection is the slim body. Seeking the help of mother earth, many weight loss products and supplements are made of natural ingredients; among the most popular of them these days are the green coffee beans and garcinia cambogia.


1 garcinia cambogia

Garcinia cambogia, or GC, is a small pumpkin-shaped fruit. It is similar to a tamarind that it is also known as the Malabar tamarind, and of a sour taste. It ripens to a red or yellowish fruit about the size of an orange. The subtropical fruit grows in Southeast Asia; in southwest India, Myanmar and Indonesia.

Garcinia cambogia historically used for cooking; its dried rinds have been an ingredient of chutneys or curries. They have also been considered as an aid for stomach problems. recently, it has been a popular weight loss supplement; the fruit was found to contain high levels of hydroxycitric acid (HCA) in the peel; According to some studies, this substance help weight loss by boosting fat-burning and cut back appetite. But like many other weight loss supplements and pills, studies regarding the GC effects and safety have been of mixed results.

Nevertheless, many HCA-containing products are available in stores and online, alone or mixed with other diet products, and sold over-the-counter labeled as “garcinia cambogia”. Among them is Purely Inspired Garcinia Cambogia.

2 Green coffee beans

Green coffee beans are coffee beans that have not been roasted. Coffee beans contain compounds known as chlorogenic acids that are believed by some to help with weight loss and lowering blood pressure. Roasting coffee reduces chlorogenic acid content. Green coffee extract has been used as a weight loss supplement and as an ingredient in weight loss products. Nevertheless, its efficiency and mechanism of action have been the subject of debate.

 Purely Inspired Garcinia Cambogia 

Purely inspired’s “Garcinia Cambogia” capsules comprise two main ingredients; GC and green coffee extracts. The product delivers 1,600 mg of garcinia and 200 mg of green coffee per serving. With the serving size being three capsules, each capsule is 533 mg GC and 65 mg green coffee. The GC extract contains 50% HCA. The product is showed on the Purely Inspired website along with Matcha Green Tea, capsules as well, as part of diet and exercise plan.

Pros of the product

1 No claims of magical results

As mentioned, It is stated clearly on the official website that Garcinia Cambogia should be part of a healthy routine that also includes dieting and exercising. It is important to stress this fact because many think that it is possible to lose weight using supplements without changing their lifestyle to a healthier one. Also, the testimonial results showed are relatively reasonable.

2 Natural ingredients

A lot of people prefer using natural supplements to lose weight. The main three ingredients are calcium, garcinia cambogia fruit extract, and green coffee bean extract which contains chlorogenic acid that is also used for weight loss.

3 good price

The product is available on Iherb at the price of 12.12$, and even cheaper at Wallmart. However, the daily serving size being 3 capsules makes the servings per container, of 100 tablets, only about 33.


1 More studies needed

However garcinia cambogia was described by Dr. Oz as “the holy grail for weight loss”, there is no real evidence that it works so well; the impressive ads of garcinia products are inspired by real results of many clinical tests, but sadly most of them have been carried out on rats. For humans, a test that was carried out on 135 obese subjects found that “Garcinia cambogia failed to produce significant weight loss and fat mass loss beyond that observed with placebo”. View it in more details here. The results of another 12-week test on 89 overweight women were more positive; GC produced weight loss of 2.3 pounds more than the placebo group.

The same thing goes for the second main ingredient, green coffee bean. Some studies found the supplement to be of great effectiveness even without changing the eating and exercising habits, like the study of Dr. Oz and Dr. Lindsay Duncan; others concluded that the substance along with dieting and exercising can cause weight loss, but lesser than the impressive results of the previous studies, such as the study referred to on Garcinia Cambogia website.

2 A bit low strength

However Purely Inspired Garcinia Cambogia exceeds the typical doses recommended for garcinia cambogia, the HCA in their Garcinia is low; the recommended doses for GC are between 250 mg to 1,000 mg per day. The product delivers 1600 mg of GC extract that contains 50% HCA. The industrial standard adopted by a wide range of manufacturers ranges from 60% to 90%. Scientifically, the optimal dose of HCA is still unknown. And whether or not a higher dosage means a higher bioavailability of HCA once consumed, is not clear.

3 The results vary

The effect of the product on the consumers varies; it may benefit some a lot, others less, and it could cause side effects to some others. However the product looks quite safe, it can cause some side effects that you should be aware of, including dizziness, dry mouth, headache and upset stomach.

In general, garcinia cambogia may cause side effects that in some cases it is believed to aid in causing liver failure which is why it needs further more studying in order to be omniscient of all its effects. For the meantime, if you seek weight loss, it is better to follow up with a specialist; and if you want to try such popular supplements and products, see your doctor’s opinion about them.

 Customer reviews   

The experiences with the product vary, therefore the reviews range between complete, partial and low satisfaction; many are displayed on the official website of Garcinia Cambogia. few achieved quite high results like losing 5 pounds in 10 days; and however this might be considered an exciting thing by many, including the reviewer, such rapid weight loss in short time is not a healthy sign for specialists. The CDC states that losing more than 1-2 pounds per week might be considered a crash diet which the majority of physicians do not recommend.

The weight loss rate of other consumers was more balanced such as losing 4 pounds in two weeks, 5 pounds in three weeks. Some used Garcinia Cambogia for much longer like Cassandra who lost 31 pounds in 17 weeks. However her testimonial is displayed in more details, an important element of her experience is absent which is the diet and exercise plan she followed while taking the product.

On Iherb website, the reviews and ratings are also mixed; 41% of 245 customers gave Garcinia Cambogia the whole five stars and 23% rated it under three stars.

Apparently, losing weight with the help of natural supplements such as garcinia cambogia and green coffee beans depends on carefully choosing the one that your body positively reacts to, making sure it doesn’t have side effects on you, and combine it with a healthy diet and exercising routine.
