What browser are you planning to use? Safari? Google Chrome? Firefox? Opera? Or maybe Internet Explorer?
If you haven’t decided which browser will fit your requirements most, we’ve gathered the most popular browsers available out there, comparing them, and creating our own top 3 list. If you want to follow the comparison with us, you can get Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari download files too, and check their performance.
Top 3 Browsers to Choose
The market for browsers is almost overwhelmed. Only a few years ago, users didn’t have such a great variety of software available for all systems and preferences. Today, we have really good browsers to choose from.
Google Chrome is probably by far the most used browser for now. Though it doesn’t mean it is the best one. Its first competitor is probably Safari. Some time ago, Safari download was available for Apple users only. But later, everything changed. The moment it became available for other systems different from Mac, it’s popularity drastically increased. Today it is a solid option for both Mac and Windows users. Opera, which was an extremely popular browser 8-10 years ago, has been almost replaced by Safari and Google Chrome.
The main reason why these two browsers overshadowed Opera is not about popularity only, but about functionality and overall program design. Compatibility, too, plays a major role. For example, Safari latest download version is suitable for all Windows systems (7,8,10), additionally with Mac system. Opera is a browser with more user-oriented features. Yes, it works good, but it is not so stable and upgraded as Safari and Firefox, for instance.
Analyzing the performance, most users clearly state that Firefox is pretty cool for Windows 10 specifically. It has probably the highest position in this system. For Mac, Safari is, of course, the best one. But Firefox and Chrome show pretty good results too. When it comes to a browser load time, there are the same leaders here. The best results are shown by Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Opera. Yes, despite the fact that Opera is quite an old browser, it shows good performance in the browser load time test. And the last but not the least is memory usage. The most effective and optimized programs are Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, and Firefox.
So, summarizing everything mentioned above, we can clearly point out 3 leaders among browsers:
- Safari;
- Google Chrome;
- and Firefox.
So, if you haven’t decided yet which browser to install, it is probably a good choice to have three of those mentioned above. In case you want just one browser, pay attention to Safari, which is good both for Mac and Windows systems. By the way, Safari free download files are easy to find online. So, it doesn’t cost a thing to try if it is going to work for you best. And the optimization the browser offers is really impressive.