
Top 20 Garden Trends: Early Predictions to Adopt

Sustainability and the creation of multiple spaces are some of the biggest trends in gardening that needs to be adopted. As experts in the field of gardening, we have been able to research the best 20 trends in the field of gardening in 2020. Apart from the previously mentioned trends, intelligent garden space use, arty designs, and greener gardens all contribute to making this list. With Pouted US decor magazine‘s list of the 20 latest trends in gardening, you can quickly start on time and adopt these futuristic trends.

1 Ecosystem-friendly planting choices

One of the best trends in gardening for 2020 is plants that are more friendly to the ecosystem. If you want to know the best plants to grow in your garden, you should select the plants that attract bugs because they encourage pollination.

2 Environmental sustainability

You should minimize the usage of plastics in your home. It can be done by the application of several methods, such as using biodegradable pots as well as metallic items rather than plastics.

3 Composting effectively

While trying to produce a minimized amount of waste and replenish the nutrients back to the soil, you should quickly form a heap of compost and put your kitchen waste with it, rather than just throwing out everything.

4 A wildlife-friendly garden

It will be a great idea to create a garden that is friendly to wildlife since this decade involves focusing on the survival of the ecosystem. You could simply let some grass and several weed plants grow up a bit. A garden that is more friendly to the activities of wild animals is typically more productive.

5 Plant your food

Creating a healthier diet will become more critical in 2020. Therefore, your home garden should be a sustainable one. You should create a good vegetable patch and try growing up some favorite vegetable crops to add to your meals.

6 Allot spaces to some crops

You can quickly start by planting little quantities of vegetables in your home garden if you have no space to grow plants. Growing tomatoes or several trees of patio fruit in hanging garden baskets can easily make all the difference.

7 Dark Colors

Darker colors add more character and life to your home garden. Therefore, add some natural depth to your home garden to instantly enhance your space outdoors.

8 Double up

In terms of general design, symmetry will eventually be a massive part of it in 2020, bringing vivid appeal and charm to all gardens. You could quickly begin by planting two groups of the same plants on both sides of every gate or door.

9 Practicing upcycling

In this coming decade, environmental initiatives will become part of everyone’s gardening routine. You could begin your upcycling right in your garden. Collect all used-up wellies, damaged wheel-barrows, and sink and transform them into great planters for your home garden.

10 Therapeutic water sound

It is recommended that you include the presence of a minimalist but classy water feature in your garden to add up some restorative, relaxing, and therapeutic water sound to your outdoor space. Apart from these apparent benefits, the water feature can easily be channeled in for irrigation.

11 Low-maintenance gardens

A garden that is of low maintenance will always be a trend that most gardeners can apply to their home gardens in the coming years. You should select shrubs that have been carefully planted plus a collection of colorful foliage, which can be used in creating elegant spaces outdoors with the lowest effort. Additionally, you could choose to have in your garden plants, which won’t be needing much maintenance.

12 Get excellent plants to create sensory spaces

Grow plants that cater to the sensory nerves by planting crops that look good, smell great, and feel beautiful. Apart from helping you feel excellent, these sensitive plants ensure the wellbeing of the people in the home. There are lots of mature plants that soothes the sensory organs. You should get this for your home garden and see how your garden gets transformed.

13 Conserve some water

You should collect rainwater to use in the future by installing equipment such as a water butt within your garden. Additionally, you should think of adding up some layers of mulch into your garden soil to enhance the moisture retention properties of the garden soil. These measures are taken to ensure that you have as much water in the garden as possible.

14 Native Plants

To properly achieve excellent results in your gardening for the oncoming year, you should get naturally growing plants within your vicinity. However, this chosen plant would significantly be determined by the type of soil that you have in your home. Furthermore, environmental factors shall also play a huge role when choosing this naturally growing plant.

15 Gardens that have multiple functions

In 2020 there shall be numerous multi-functional gardens than was before. Homeowners will probably maximize the use of their outdoor spaces as dining areas, as well as somewhere calm to relax in.

16 Outdoor home office

For those who work from their homes, the outdoor garden is typically the ideal space to set up their home office; this will significantly help in separating their work from their life at home. The home garden is the perfect spot for your home office since you far removed from the distractions within the home. When holed up in your little “garden office” you can easily focus on your work and avoid distractions.

17 Using plants as part of your fence

You should enhance the appearance of your fence by using plants as decorative elements on the fence. If you groom climbing plants into artistic shapes as they grow up your fence, you will end up with a great focal point for your outdoor décor as well as creative gardening practices.

18 Arty lawns

Magnificent and elegant patterns like stripes are a part of the gardening trends of 2020 to adopt in your home garden. To get a classy and excellent garden appearance, these arty patterns can be applied to your home lawns.

19 Creating kitchens outdoors

The outdoor kitchen goes beyond the standard BBQ grill set up. Instead, as a gardener, you can quickly think about just setting up a complete kitchen, including all the appliances to make the kitchen a complete one. This setup is a perfect one for your fancy alfresco cooking. Furthermore, it also helps you to maximize the use of your home garden at all times of the year.

20 Carpeted Walls

To transform your space and enhance the sophistication of your home garden, turning your home wall into a carpet formed with plants will be an excellent idea. This will be a great way to transform your home garden into an eco-friendly one.


These are the 20 best garden trends to adopt in your home garden. The listed trends are pretty much seed ideas; therefore, you should feel free to tweak them or add more sustainable and green elements to these ideas. They are some of the best trendy ideas for people who are passionate about their home garden system. For more decor-related articles, click here.
