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Top 15 Must-Follow Pool Maintenance Tips

The process of keeping a pool clean is a nightmare for many people around the world. There is something you need to understand as a pool owner which is the fact that just as pools are different, they tend to vary in their maintenance needs. But they have something familiar through which is regular maintenance.

Do you struggle to maintain your pool? Are you aware that failure to sustain your pool regularly can expose you to lots of health hazards? Do you know that this is something you need to understand unless you want to be spending money on hiring the services of people into the field of pool maintenance for a very long period? So, you have to understand how to do this process yourself.

What You Are About to Discover

The major aim of this post is to reveal some of those easy pool maintenance tips. These are easy to apply, and yet, they have always proven to be quite effective.

1 Checking the Water Level

You need to check the water level in your pool whether it is too low or high. For optimal results, it is expected to be at the pool tile or your pool skimmer’s center level. Once it happens to be too low, the pump can get burnt up. On the other hand, the skimmer door isn’t going to work once it is too high. It is all about striking a balance.

2 The Ozonator 

This is very important and shouldn’t be ignored. There are some pools which don’t have ozonators. In case yours have, ensure that the lights are working as they ought to as this can help in reducing your pool’s chlorine usage.

 3 Checking the Pool Chemistry

This should be done once or twice every week in both summer and winter. Your pool will need less amount of chlorine as the pH level reduces. The recommended pH level for every pool owner is between the range of 7.2 and 7.8. You need to understand how pH is being controlled to ensure you are making use of less chlorine.

4 Maintaining Skimmer Baskets

will need to carry out this process every week. You will find the skimmer on the pool’s side, and its function is to skim the pool’s surface. Also, it prevents contaminants and debris from getting saturated and floating down to the pool’s bottom.

 5 Cleaning

Perhaps this is a tip for those who own above the ground pools. It is true that you’ve probably bought yours for relaxation. However, don’t forget that it has to be maintained on a regular basis. There are three aspects of cleaning, and these are vacuuming, brushing and skimming.

 6 Testing

Through testing, you will be able to know the condition of water in your pool. It is wrong trying to make assumptions based on how the water may be looking because you may suffer from discolored hair, red eyes and skin irritation. It doesn’t matter whether you are using salt, biguanides, or chlorine as you still need to be testing the pool water.

 7 Sanitizing

This can be done in various ways. One of them is checking the filters to ensure they are in perfect condition. Chlorine is another sanitizer. However, pool owners are making use of other alternatives thereby making chlorine to be used less often. Some of what is being used are UV sterilizers, ozone generators, ionizers, and salt chlorine generators.

 8 Shock Treatments 

It is another essential pool maintenance tip that you will need to apply regularly. Some of its benefits are inhibiting the build-up of debris, prevention of chloramine contamination, oxidizing organic contaminants, killing of resistant algae and elimination of bodily fluids. Shock treatments can come in both chlorine as well as non-chlorinated forms.

 9 Pool walls

You may be surprised that you have to look after this aspect of your pool as well. It is most especially important for any above the ground pool. Try to ensure that the walls are protected because if anything bumps into them, it could bring about damage. This can make you spend more money in the long run. Ensure kids don’t come too close when playing around the pool.


 10 Winterizing

Winterizing pools becomes important if you are living in a place where there are cold winters. Ensure that your pool is winterized after the end of every summer season. Items such as cleaning supplies, chemicals, and ladder should be removed and stored in a place that is dry and warm.

 11 Tile Cleaning 

Pool tile cleaning should be done on a weekly basis in order to ensure that build up is reduced.  Once ph is kept at 7.2, the scum isn’t going to develop.

 12 Checking Your Storage 

This is also very important and shouldn’t be ignored. The way that chemicals are stored also matters a lot. For instance, avoid storing chlorine and acid close to each other. They should be kept in a place that is dry and warm.

 13 Look Out for Cracks

In case you discover cracks around your pool’s perimeter, don’t waste time to seal them. It could be between the deck and the tile. You can get it caulked using clear silicone.

 14 Keeping Animals Away

Ensure that animals aren’t allowed to come around the pool area. Algae have been discovered to survive from nitrates which are produced by bird droppings. This can pose a lot of health challenges to you in the long run.

 15 Filtration

This is necessary for above the ground pools. Through filtration, debris, algae, and dirt will be removed. Filtration has various types, but there are three which pool owners usually make use of. These are diatomaceous earth filters, sand filters, and cartridge filters. Each of them works similarly. However, sand filters seem to be the most effective.
