Categories: Education

Top 10 Ways to Relax if You Are a College Freshman

You might be familiar with the dull routine which includes waking up, going out, doing the tasks for the day, listening to different people who show you how to do them better, ending up with more tasks and going home. You get home too tired to lift a finger, grab some toast, hop into bed to wake up later to deal with the new tasks, hoping your trusted friend Edusson would still be able to help you out in times of the major despair.

Welcome to the life of a college freshman, where your tasks like assignments, essays, problems requiring solving, and the ‘how to’ is as foreign to you as the homework you get. It’s no secret that college freshmen spend more time adapting to the various systems set in place by the authorities and teachers. They spend a considerable period adjusting, leaving ample hours every day to study for the next day, and absolutely no minutes left to rest or get a whiff of fresh air.

What if people could find a way to relax, take some time to recharge energy and bestow on the brain a needed break? Could it be that the lack of balance between different aspects of your life is causing the build-up of stress? How do you take out time to refresh yourself before another stressful day?

1 Schedule your day

This is a good starting point. Most freshmen have issues using their time in the most efficient manner possible and end up with all this stress they now have to handle. Making a plan for your day, while keeping your timetable in mind is a good way to get an understanding of how much time you have, and the time you can take off.

2 Don’t read in stress

We get it, going through the material that’s foreign to you can be scary and uncommon. Give yourself ample time after getting back from school – take a quick shower or wash your face, get some food, and sit still for some time. This would help you relax to an extent, and you would feel at rest while studying.

3 Coffee is not water

Another reason all students get tired, especially when they have to search for the additional services is because they suddenly develop an affinity for coffee. Excessive intake of coffee leaves you active even when you ought to be asleep. Water is a better option; you can take it any time of the day and stay hydrated while feeling refreshed.

4 Take short breaks

You’re studying, and suddenly it feels like you cannot focus? No worries, take a short break by watching a funny clip or just close your eyes for a moment.

5 Take short walks

Sometimes, a good walk of just five minutes is enough for you to feel rejuvenated, especially if you are taking a walk in a park awash with different elements of nature. The soothing feels of the wind, the beautiful flowers – all have a way of soothing a person and helping create an environment of inner peace for them.

6 Meditation

Meditation is an ancient practice that is quite popular till date among various classes of people. It helps you to control the thought flow of your mind and is giving your mind time to reboot.

7 Music

One of the most powerful forces in the world, music is another way to create a relaxing atmosphere where you can study without feeling pressured. Gentle music, like blues, soul, R&B or instrumental tracks are a good place to start.

8 Switch up your studying mode

Do you find watching tutorials more effective for you than reading them? You have found one way to reduce stress! Find videos related to the topic you need, and settle down comfortably to listen and watch them. You are more likely to feel relaxed when you use a convenient method of study.

9 Sleep is essential

A well-rested body takes more time to get stressed than a body skipping sleep hours. Know the number of hours that help you feel rested, and stick to them. You will feel more relaxed in tackling everyday studies.

10 Exercise

Some people feel better after a round of exercise. Exercise is essential to keep your body strong and fit enough to handle stress. Choose an exercise that goes for you, and get on with relaxing!
