Education is a very important and substantial weapon for fighting and overcoming all the difficulties in our lives. There are nations that suffer from many problems in all fields because of neglecting education. Investing in education is very beneficial for all sides and not only for business men or financial institution. There are some countries which give a special care for education to graduate efficient students who are well educated and have the qualifications that meet the requirements of their societies. Higher education is sometimes expensive as there are colleges which require huge costs for joining them. The costs may come to be unaffordable for many people and you will need to have very wealthy parents to be able to pay the money required for joining the desired college. Below are 10 of the most expensive colleges in the whole world that require more than $55,000 as a total cost to be joined. The total costs include tuition, room, board and fees.
1. Sarah Lawrence College: It is the most expensive college in the whole world.It is a private liberal arts college is situated in Yonkers in New York. The annual total cost that is required for joining this college is $61,236 which is the highest cost required for joining a college. The total cost includes $45,900 for tuition, $14,312 for room and board and $1.024 for fees.
2. New York University: It is the second most expensive university in the world. It is located in Greenwich Village. The total cost which is required per year for joining this university is $59,837. The total cost includes $40.878 for tuition, $16.133 for room and board and $2.826 for fees.
3. Harvey Mudd College: It is located in Claremont, California. The annual total cost of this college is $58,913. The annual cost includes $44.159 for tuition, $14.471 for room and board and $283 for fees.
4. Columbia University: It is located in New York city. The total cost required for joining this university is $58,742 per year. It can be divided into $45.028 for tuition, $11.496 for room and board and $2.218 for fees.
5. Wesleyan University: A liberal arts university that is situated in Middletown. The total cost that is required per year is $58,202. The annual cost includes $45.358 for tuition, $12.574 for room and board and $270 as fees.
6. Claremont McKenna College: It is situated in Claremont, California. Joining this college costs $58,065 annually. The total cost is divided into $43.840 for tuition, $13.980 for room and board and $245 for fees.
7. Dartmouth College: It is located in Hanover, New Hampshire. You will need to pay $57,996 as an annual total to join this college. The total cost includes $43.782 for tuition, $12.954 for room and board and $1.260 for fees.
8. Drexel University: It is a private research university that is based in Philadelphia. The total cost that is required per year is $57,975. The total cost is divided into $41.500 for tuition, $14.175 for room and board and $2.300 as fees.
9. University of Chicago: It is a research university that is situated in Chicago. $57,711 required as a total cost per year. The total cost that is paid every year includes $43.581 for tuition, $13.137 for room and board and $993 for fees.
10. Bard College: The liberal art college is located in Duchess country. Students pay $57,580 as a total cost every year. The annual total cost is divided into $44.176 for tuition, $12.782 for room and board and $622 as fees.
Which one do you want to go to?