
5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Couples Marriage Retreat

1  Does the Marriage Retreat Primarily Work with Couples?

In the world of marriage counseling, it is prevalent for therapists trained to work with individuals take on extra work at different couples based retreats. The issue here is that these therapists are not trained in the art of working with couples experiencing marital problems. While it might seem like any therapist would be qualified to work with couples, that’s not the truth. What you want is a licensed Marriage and Family therapist. Why? Simple. The basis of their training is on working correctly with the problems and issues that arise in a marriage. They understand the complexities of relationship dynamics and are trained to help a couple get to the root of the problems that are straining the relationship. This is why it is so important to do your research before you decide on a retreat. You want to make sure that the therapists available during the retreat are licensed to handle the unique needs of your marriage.

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 2  Find out What are the Core Values of the Couples Counseling Retreat

You wouldn’t buy a car from a dealer that doesn’t stand behind their products, but all too often, people are willing to settle on any old retreat thinking it will work for their marriage. The best retreats are those that believe in the unity of marriage and that take your marital vows with the seriousness they deserve. The retreats that have the most success are those retreats where the focus is on finding ways to repair the aspects of your relationship that are broken. The best retreats will also help you focus on all the good parts of your relationship as well. This is a subtle yet profound view of the values of the retreat. The best therapists want to see you and your spouse reconcile and bring your relationship back to a healthy, thriving partnership.

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 3  Clear Goals and Objectives Explained

One of the most important aspects of a quality retreat is that the goals of the sessions are clearly defined before your arrival or at least during the first session. The therapist should be able to effectively communicate the expectations they have and your most important issues should be taken into consideration. Often people go to a retreat not knowing what to expect, and it is up to a quality therapist to flush out those issues early so that the remainder of the time at the retreat can be spent working productively towards a common goal. The best retreats will take all these issues, work with you on them during the retreat, and then give you resources and strategies that you can take home with you to continue the work you began during the retreat.

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4 Cost Associated With Attending the Marriage Retreat Intensive

This might seem like it is not as important of an issue, and it is noble to have a “money is no object” mindset when you want to save your relationship. However, going to a retreat that is going to put you in a financial hardship afterward is a recipe for disaster. This is why it is so important to do your research beforehand. The best retreats are very upfront with all the costs associated with the retreat so you can budget accordingly. If money is tight, ask about possible scholarships that might be available or if there are different payment options for couples working on a limited or fixed income.

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 5 Comfortability with Both You and Your Spouse

The last thing you want is to attend a retreat where one (or both) of the people don’t feel comfortable. You want a retreat that makes you feel welcomed, and that wants to see your marriage succeed. Many retreats will offer a consultation prior to the actual retreat. This is beneficial because you and your spouse get the opportunity to work with the therapist and see if they are a good fit for your needs. Connecting with a good therapist is not different from any other type of relationship. If they are a tough love type and that doesn’t work for you, then it is important to understand that before you commit your time, energy, and finances. Your time with the therapist at the retreat should be nurturing, productive, and leave you feeling like you have someone in your corner fighting for the success of your relationship. You need a therapist that will allow both you and your partner to feel comfortable enough to open up completely and tackle those tough issues. With the right therapist and the right retreat, you could be well on your way to saving your marriage and rebuilding that life you deserve.

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Learn More About How a 3 or 4-day Marriage Counseling Retreat can Transform your Relationship?

Simply call or visit Relationship Rescue Academy to schedule a free consultation with one of their very skilled couples therapist. The complimentary consultation is a chance to learn more about what attending a 2-day, or 3-day intensive would be like and to get a little more comfortable with your marriage therapist. During this consultation, you’ll have a chance to tell your therapist a bit of your situation.  Obviously, you won’t be able to get through everything. Your therapist will try to get a sense from you what the issues are and what you’re looking to solve. Then they’ll give you an idea of how they’d approach the problem during your intensive.  By the end of the consultation, you’ll have a general idea if Relationship Rescue Academy is a good fit for your situation. Consultations can either done on the phone, FaceTime or by Skype.

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Nada Osama

Nada Osama, an experienced blogger with 7 years of expertise, captivates readers with her engaging content. Covering lifestyle, travel, personal development, and more, Nada offers valuable insights and practical tips to enhance readers' lives. With a passion for exploring different cultures and cuisines, Nada finds joy in immersing herself in new experiences. Her love for travel and discovering hidden gems shines through in her writing, inspiring readers to embark on their own journeys of exploration. Stay connected with Nada Osama by subscribing to our blog and joining her vibrant online community. As a respected authority in the blogging world, Nada's expertise has garnered recognition and collaborations with like-minded individuals and brands. Embark on a journey of discovery with Nada Osama as your guide. Her immersive blog will enrich your life and leave you inspired to embrace new possibilities. More »
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