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    Copy of bird average bird lifespans thinkstock 1552536669 “ Canary” The Bird of Kings, Rich People & Miners - birds 1

    “ Canary” The Bird of Kings, Rich People & Miners

    Is there anybody who does not like the canary birds? They are among the most beautiful birds that are created on earth. They dazzle you with their fascinating colors and ear-catching sound. The canary bird…

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    Copy of Heart by flamingos Strange Facts about the Most Beautiful Bird on Earth “Flamingo” - birds 2

    Strange Facts about the Most Beautiful Bird on Earth “Flamingo”

    Flamingos, flamingoes or the most beautiful birds on earth, you can call them whatever you want. People differ in the way they call flamingos but they do not differ in their opinions about them. The…

  • Pets
    looking for the thieves guild Not Just Animals! They Are Real & Incredible Thieves - birds 3

    Not Just Animals! They Are Real & Incredible Thieves

    Theft is usually common among human beings, but to hear about it among animals may sound little bit strange for you. These animals present to us new ways for theft even their desires seem to…

  • Pets
    286094 db87868f7218b9af2e8cec50fda5cf33 large Weird Peacocks Wear Wedding Dresses - birds 4

    Weird Peacocks Wear Wedding Dresses

    Peacock is one of the most beautiful birds on the earth. It is known a long time ago and considered by aristocratic people and royal families as a special bird that should exist in their…

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