Health & Nutrition

Breakthrough Supplement That Helps with Weight Loss and Slows Aging by JuvifyHealth

Have you wondered why sugar is addictive? Furthermore, a consequence of the growing sugar addiction in our society is obesity and the accelerated risk of age-related diseases. Juvify’s unique GLYLO supplement has been designed to address the detrimental effects of sugar and carbohydrates. GLYLO (GLYcation LOwering) comes straight from the lab of Dr. Kapahi, a leading longevity researcher from the Buck Institute for Aging Research, California.  More detailed information about the patent-pending GLYLO can be found on Juvify Health.

GLYLO is a successful weight loss and aging wellness supplement.

1 What is GLYLO?

GLYLO has been developed to slow down glycation, whereby sugar attacks macromolecules like proteins, DNA, and lipids. Glycation is also what makes barbecued food and your toast this morning tasty.  This is the likely reason GLYLO has been found to reduce appetite for sugars and carbohydrates. A side effect of GLYLO is that it improves cellular health and repair, thus slowing the signs of aging. The uniqueness of GLYLO is that its constituents, lipoic acid, nicotinamide, thiamine, pyridoxine, and piperine, combine in synergy to promote health. This makes it better than just taking the popular supplements alpha-lipoic acid or nicotinamide alone.

GLYLO is a successful weight loss and aging wellness supplement because it reduces intake of carbohydrates, promotes burning of fat, reduces advanced glycation end products (AGEs), promotes NAD+, reduces senescence, and promotes the repair of cells in the body. Simply put, GLYLO is intended to help you achieve fasting goals with less stress and ensure your intake of calories is drastically reduced.

GLYLO is intended to help you achieve fasting goals with less stress and ensure your intake of calories is drastically reduced.

2 Why GLYLO is different from other weight loss supplements

GLYLO has become a leading name in the weight loss and anti-aging field because it is science-backed and comes from a very reputed lab at the Buck Institute, an institute dedicated to studying aging.  The following section will explore why this multi-purpose supplement ticks all the boxes for well-being and healthy aging.

  • Enhances weight loss and slows down aging

Many effective product supplements on the market can be used for either weight loss or to slow the effects of aging. Rarely can a supplement give you both? GLYLO effectively achieves weight loss goals and helps you slow down the rate at which your body ages, too. If you’re looking to spend less by taking a single supplement that can guarantee weight loss and healthy aging, GLYLO should be at the top of your list.

  • Suppresses appetite

The best way to lose weight is by reducing calorie intake and being active. GLYLO can help deliver both. GLYLO is a super supplement because it works by helping you curb your sugar cravings, cut back on your meal sizes, and lower blood sugar. Furthermore, several studies on its ingredients show that it can also enhance exercise endurance. This means you can actualize your weight loss without taking dangerous supplements that promise rapid weight loss with significant side- effects.

  • Builds up your body’s defense system

Rapid aging could result from the depreciation of the body’s defense system. When you start to age, the efficacy of your body’s defense system starts to wane. That is why an older adult may find it difficult to fight off certain diseases that ordinarily would resolve more quickly and completely if that same person were younger. The secret lies in the strength of the body’s defense system—micronutrients like nicotinamide and lipoic acid decline with age leading to declining normal cellular repair and metabolism.

GLYLO helps you care for such deficiencies, boosting your body’s defense system by enhancing the cells responsible for keeping you healthy. It is one of the many reasons this supplement excels as an anti-aging product. You can protect your body from age-related diseases and improve how you age when you start using this unique anti-aging supplement.

  • Increases vitality and reduces damage to the cell

GLYLO is the ideal weight loss supplement for anyone looking to lose weight healthily because it does not deprive you of your energy. The supplement is composed of body-friendly B vitamins at the right doses and lipoic acid that do not affect your cells negatively. With this product, you can lose weight, age slowly, and enjoy other benefits like safely increasing your energy level.

  • Science-backed supplement

It is not uncommon to see weight loss products that do not have any scientific backing. Most of them cannot provide a clear explanation of the science backing how they function, which may make you think twice about using them. Everything about the way GLYLO works can be explained by science. You can trust that it’s safe to take this supplement since the ingredients are supported by over 500 scientific studies. From the constituents that make up the supplement to the way it works, Juvify’s GLYLO has been researched and formulated by Dr. Kapahi, a leading researcher in the field of longevity and metabolism.

  • Safe for consumption

Almost everybody can take this weight loss anti-aging supplement. Still, it is recommended that you speak with your medical advisor before you take GLYLO or any supplement, especially if you are on other medications. Your doctor is in the best position to tell you if a supplement is okay for you or not.

GLYLO effectively achieves weight loss goals and helps you slow down the rate at which your body ages.

Final verdict on this unique weight loss supplement

GLYLO is in a class of its own among weight loss and anti-aging products. In addition to helping users effectively achieve weight loss goals and slowing the effects of aging, some of its ingredients, including lipoic acid, have been shown to protect against diabetes and related diseases. Taking this supplement also boosts the immune system as glycation dampens the immune system, helping you maintain your body’s fitness. If you are looking for a cost-effective product that will give you the best of both worlds in terms of weight loss and aging wellness, GLYLO is one product that fits the bill. Place your order today!

GLYLO is in a class of its own among weight loss and anti-aging products.