KitchenHome Decorations

100+ Smartest Storage Ideas for Small Kitchens

The best storage ideas in your small kitchen can help create lots of space. They can also ensure the place looks organized and neat. In case you struggle to organize e your kitchen, ensure to check out the details of this post. Here, Pouted lifestyle magazine reveals some of the most creative kitchen storage ideas. These are perfect for small kitchens.

1 Installation of side-out prep station

This is probably one of the best solutions you can adopt for a kitchen that seems to have inadequate counter space. You will notice how the butcher block board has been built like a drawer.

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2 Being grocery-inspired

You can make your pantry and follow the rule that applies in supermarkets which is “first-in, first-out”. In other words, new boxes should be kept behind those which are already existing. Things should be kept organized.

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3 Multipurpose shelf

Looking at the pictures below, one thing is certain. This is the fact that one shelf has been turned into two for easy storage of different items. There won’t be the need of struggling to purchase another one.

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4 Using tea bag organizer

Sometimes, your drawer is filled with tea boxes which can be arranged to make life much easier. Such items can start littering the place when they are not organized in the right manner. This saves you the stress of organizing tea bags over and over again.

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5 Divide kitchen tools

Sometimes you want to believe that drawer dividers are meant to store items like spoons, knives, and forks. Be creative and look for how they can also be used in the storage of odd items.

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6 Creating cutting board slots

To avoid a situation whereby cutting boards will pill up and get the place messed up, creating slots for them is much better. The below pictures will provide you with some inspiration on how this can be done.

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7 Pull-out pantry

A pull-out pantry is one of the most creative storage ideas for small kitchens you can adopt today. You can see how kitchen items are stored in the pantry. Once they aren’t needed, the drawer will be pushed backward.

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8 Higher cabinets

In case you have got a small kitchen space and can’t find a way to overcome such a challenge, it is better to build higher cabinets that stretch to your ceiling. This will ensure you have more space to store items.

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9 Converting your closet

Don’t ever have the idea that closets are only meant for the storage of clothes. Desperate times like these will always call for desperate measures. Do you see how the kitchen items have been creatively stored?

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10 Using expandable cookware organizer

This helps you to store lots of kitchen items that can be scattered all over the place. These can be baking sheets, pans, cutting boards, and more.

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Using expandable cookware organizer 100+ Smartest Storage Ideas for Small Kitchens - 32

11 Over-cabinet storage organizer

There are items that you may not want to store inside the kitchen cabinet due to easy access. Cleaning items for cooking materials are a typical example of these. Over-cabinet storage organizers can help you out in such regards and they can also be used for other hanging purposes in your kitchen.

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12 Storing pans sideways

There is something about pots and pans. It is the fact that they have a way of making kitchens look unorganized no matter how they are stored. You can have them horizontally or vertically stacked to avoid too many arrangements.

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13 Food container drawer organizer

By using this item, you can rest assured that the post-dinner cleanup process will be very smooth. This organizer will make life much easier for you.

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14 Grouping by color

In case you don’t know, organizing items in terms of color can either make a kitchen look spacious or tight. The magic here is grouping items according to their colors. Don’t just mix them up.

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15 Knife bar

Apart from the issue of ensuring adequate space in the kitchen, it is much safer when knives are arranged in one place. Using something similar to one of the pictures can help out.

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16 Using a peg board

Sometimes you are tempted to believe your walls can’t help in the storage of items in the kitchen. This isn’t true in any way. As a matter of fact, your kitchen walls are far more useful as compared to what you are thinking at the moment.

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17 Maximizing cabinet top

Don’t ever ignore the top of cabinets in your kitchen since some items can be stored in them. The only thing is that you have to ensure that such items are not used regularly. This will make you avoid the stress of climbing now and then to get such an item.

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18 Using shelves 

Ensure that shelves are put in places where it is possible to accommodate more items in your kitchen. This is probably one of the most classic storage ideas for small kitchens.

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19 Window storage strategy

Using windows as one of the storage ideas for small kitchens is very unique. You can see how pots and pans have been arranged to make the place look spacious and presentable.

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20 Using your fridge’s top

The top of a fridge can be converted to a pantry as shown below. You can see the items on top. They are safe and secured.

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21 Utilizing baskets

You can see how the items have been stored on the cabinet’s top. The good part about using baskets is that the items are visible to enable you to make an easy choice.

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Utilizing baskets . 100+ Smartest Storage Ideas for Small Kitchens - 68

22 Regain your sink space

The side of the sink is always under-utilized. Remove scrubbers and wet sponges from your countertop and have them placed in desk organizers.

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23 Creative hang-out

In case you don’t know, shelves have got two surfaces in most cases. You can see how items have been placed on top and underneath to save space.

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24 Using forgotten space

Some heavy items around your kitchen will always prove difficult to store. These items can be cutting boards, pans, and colanders. Store these on your lower cabinet’s side.

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25 Using cabinet doors

This is probably one of the most creative storage ideas for small kitchens which most people don’t make use of. Hang cooking utensils you always use.

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26 Items on display

Do you see how the items have been displayed? This idea doesn’t just make the kitchen more colorful but also spacious.

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27 Hiding appliances

Appliances such as microwaves or toasters can be kept away from obvious places. Just create a space where they can be stored after usage.

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28 Storing everything

Just like the pictures below, you can use contains to store items around the kitchen. This makes the place looks organized.

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29 Hanging cutting boards

This is one of those storage ideas for small kitchens that can enable you to get access to your cutting boards at any time. You can locate them easily.

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30 Built-in items

You will notice everything is built-in in this kitchen like speed oven, coffee maker, and water dispenser. Such will save plenty of space definitely.

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Nada Osama

Nada Osama, an experienced blogger with 7 years of expertise, captivates readers with her engaging content. Covering lifestyle, travel, personal development, and more, Nada offers valuable insights and practical tips to enhance readers' lives. With a passion for exploring different cultures and cuisines, Nada finds joy in immersing herself in new experiences. Her love for travel and discovering hidden gems shines through in her writing, inspiring readers to embark on their own journeys of exploration. Stay connected with Nada Osama by subscribing to our blog and joining her vibrant online community. As a respected authority in the blogging world, Nada's expertise has garnered recognition and collaborations with like-minded individuals and brands. Embark on a journey of discovery with Nada Osama as your guide. Her immersive blog will enrich your life and leave you inspired to embrace new possibilities. More »
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