Top 5 Skills to Master to Land a Job in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a method of delivering IT services where the data is retrieved from a virtual database from the internet using specific tools and applications eliminating a direct connection with the server. The data and the software stored in the cloud can be accessed as long as there is a working internet connection.

The reason it is called cloud computing is that the data is actually stored in virtual memory and there is no need for a direct connection with the server or in simple words, your physical presence in a particular place is not required to retrieve the data. Cloud computing services let the users store the data in the database and then allows them to access the data from anywhere using an internet connection.

The main reasons for the growing popularity of cloud computing are:

1 Cost

Cloud computing eliminates the need for setting up the software and hardware, maintaining a continuous power supply to keep the servers at a cooler temperature and an IT team to maintain these servers.

2 Security

The security features for cloud computing keeps getting upgraded very often. Many cloud service providers update their policies and technology to protect data, software, and applications.

3 Speed

Cloud computing services can help to process a large amount of data within seconds, which is way faster when compared to accessing the data stored over physical servers.

Basic skills computing professionals should have

Here are some basic skills which companies look for before hiring cloud computing professionals:

  1. Basic knowledge about Cloud Computing platforms and its infrastructure.
  2. Cloud Computing Principles.
  3. Key services involved in Cloud Computing.
  4. The security model involved.

There are a lot of ways to learn Cloud Computing. You can always learn Cloud Computing online and get certified from top institutions which will increase your chances of landing in your dream job.

Here are a few skills which will make you stand out of the crowd when you wish to crack that interview:

1 Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services has so far been the largest cloud services, vendor. Popularly known as AWS, it provides services to more than 190 countries across the world. AWS solution architect is relatively cost-effective, is very open and flexible, and has high-security features. Mastering the AWS skills is never out of demand and will help you land your dream job with ease.

2 Python

Python is popularly used for Rapid Application Development. It is also used as a scripting language to connect the existing components. From past few years Python has been one of the fastest growing programming languages used for Cloud Computing.

3 Java

Java, as usual, remains an on-demand programming language. A number of Java Cloud Development Tools have made this programming language “Cloud-Friendly”.

4 Azure

According to a survey, 34% of companies were using the Azure platform for Cloud Computing Services in the past few years. Now, this number has grown to 45% in 2018 giving a tough competition to AWS. Hence, it is always best practice to have some basic knowledge about Microsoft Azure.

5 VMware

VMware provides an easy to use interface and is highly mobile. VMware has also partnered with Amazon Web Services.
