Surly, we know every trick there is to save money on washing your clothes. After all, we do it every day. Yet, most people forget that things have changed. Technology has changed, washing powder has changed, and even the hardness of water and washing powder pricing models. This article may be “Singing to the choir” in terms of what it teaches, but there are probably a few things even you don’t know that Spacewhite wants to share with you.
1 Less is More With Regards to Washing Powder
Pay strict attention to the guidelines on the washing powder box, and then opt for a shade less than what they suggest. Modern washing powder, whether biological or non-biological, is very effective. Even the discount brands are worlds ahead of what we had just ten years ago. As a result, there is a saturation point that most people’s washing machine reaches very quickly. Once you get saturation point, no matter how much more washing powder you put in, it doesn’t make a difference. When it comes to washing up powder, less is more because it saves you money and also because adding more makes no difference whatsoever to the effectiveness of the washing process.

2 Hard Water’s Effect On Your Washing
Even if you live in an area with crazy hard water levels, it doesn’t matter. The idea that you have to add extra detergent or chemicals to make your water softer in your washing machine doesn’t matter. Even the cheapest washing powder and detergent brands have solvents that soften the water, so you do not have to add more detergent/washing powder in hard water areas.
Hard water will damage your washing machine over time, but straightforward solutions are. For example, when you do your spring cleaning, add white vinegar to your machine and run a cleaning cycle (a 30 minutes cycle if your washing machine doesn’t have a self-clean service). Alternatively, you can use a descaling solution, but you only need to do it once per year. Launderettes only do it once per year, and they use their washing machines far more than you do.

3 The Cold 30-Minute Cycle
Each washing machine is different, but many of them have a 30 degree (cold wash) cycle, and many have a short cycle of around 30 minutes for a quick clean. If you want to save money, strongly consider using this cycle now and again.
You have to ask yourself how dirty your clothes are and adjust your washing accordingly. Some clothes become covered in sweat and dirt from house cleaning, exercising, playing with the kids/pets, or general outdoor activities. However, many of your clothes are not that dirty when you put them in the laundry basket. Giving them an occasional 30-minute cycle will not harm them, and it won’t hurt your budget either.

4 Be Selective With Your Washing
It sounds a little petty, but consider being a little more discriminatory with your clothing if you want to save money. For example, fabric softener on your bed sheets and pillows is a good idea because you will be rubbing your skin on them for at least a week, but do you need fabric softener on your jackets, coats, or jogging bottoms, and so forth? Will you notice the difference?
On a similar note, do you need to use laundry sheets on your knock-around indoor clothes? Or, perhaps use them on the clothes you are visiting your in-laws in? It is a good idea to use laundry sheets to brighten up your work suit, but why bother with your fast food shirt that you will probably replace in six months anyway?

5 Know the Difference Between a Full Load and an Overload
If your washing machine is dancing around the room on its spin cycle, it is probably because its legs/feet are uneven, but it may also be a sign that your washing machine is overloaded. When you overfill your washing machine, it cannot move the clothes around correctly, which means parts are never thoroughly washed. That is also why you shouldn’t put your bed sheets in with other smaller items because they become wrapped in the sheet and are never correctly washed.
If you are struggling with overloading your washing machine, try putting in the clothes and spinning the barrel/drum a little with your hand. Are the clothes moving around in a big lump, or are they moving? If they are clumped together and not moving, take a few things to lighten the load. There is no point in wasting money running your washing cycle if your clothes are not properly washed.

With these tips, you save money, prolong the life of your clothes and washing machine, and do a little bit to help the environment.