Sand animation is a style of drawing animations and live performance using sand. The sand artist (sand performer) creates a number of images in a sequence forming a series by applying the sand on the surface then drawing figures and lines with his/her own hands; they often use a light box or an overhead projector.
The sand performer uses sand on a flat surface made of back-lit glass, then arrange the sand to let the light, depth, shadow and density go through and create the picture. The animator captures images, then these images arranged in a sequence and played at a suitable speed which make the illusion of motion. There are other practice also refers to “sand animation“, which is about a video of a sand artist creating his/her art while the camera is capturing all the actual motions on video; this kind of art is more referred to “sand painting”. Many sand artists bride themselves on their speed in the act of painting as a kind of performance art complete with accompaniment of audience and music. Really it is an elegance art through which artists could reflect our real life or create messages.
Here are some images of sand animation art