
10 Reasons Why Your Dog Needs Cannabis Oil

Many dog pet owners are skeptical whether their animal friends do really need to get cannabis oil (CBD oil). The answer is yes; dogs do need cannabis oils in a similar way a human being does. Present studies have established that cannabis oil can successfully be used in dogs for managing specific symptoms. The cannabis oil will be essential in helping control the signs of dog diseases such as anxiety, seizures, and cancer this is mainly because cannabis oil is substitute medicine for the mentioned signs, and can be purchased from Holistapet using one of these discount Holistapet Coupons.

Cannabis Oil, what is it?

According to Dr. Shu Tim, the Chief Executive Officer and the founder of VERCBD a Californian company dealing with pet cannabis, cannabis oil is an extract of oil from cannabis plant (Marijuana). The plant has specific glands made of vital oils, oils separation is carried out from the Cannabis plant and cannabinoids of a good ratio is formulated.

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Top 10 reasons why your dog requires Cannabis oil

Endocannabinoid systems are found in both dogs and human beings, it is located within the system of nerves and functions to observe the state of cells outside, relaying the details within the cells resulting in the required response by cells. It, therefore, plays a vital role in controlling the general health of the dog, immune system, pain, mood, appetite, and sleep. Discussed below are Top Ten Reasons why your dog needs cannabis oil, but you are here advised to talk to your vet doctor before you choose to administer cannabis oil to your dog.

1 Managing Depression and Anxiety for your pet

Dogs too get troubled by post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), common anxiety and anxiety resulting from separation either from their owners or from other buddy dogs. The cause of anxiety doesn’t determine whether cannabis oil will be effective or not, but we are certain that anxiety in dogs does result in improper behavior of body chemicals. Cannabis oil has universally known characteristics that act soothingly to the misbehaved body chemicals and returns them to normalcy. Cannabis oil in handling this chemical imbalance works in tandem with adenosine and serotonin brain receptors causing them to work normally.

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2 Provides soothing effect for arthritis

Research studies and practicing veterinarians have found out that cannabis oil is an effective antidote to arthritis in dogs because arthritis causes the dogs’ body joints to feel pain while the dog is moving due to damaged joint cartilages and swellings. Cannabis oil is, therefore, effective in soothing the pain.

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3 Cannabis oil is an effective cure for epilepsy and seizures in dogs

Many times your dog may get a bout of seizure, and you may not understand how to help it. Your initial step would be to find an immediate solution which could involve administration of phenobarbital drugs like potassium bromide. However, remember that such drugs could prove helpful at the time of need, but they have long term side effects on the dog’s life, especially being deadly to the liver. Giving your dog cannabis oil could be the best choice in that the oil is very effective in managing epilepsy and seizures more so, cannabis oil doesn’t react with other vet meds, and so it can be easily used in conjunction with these other medicines.

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4 Control pain of the nerves

When your dog is aging there can be many health-related challenges, and neuropathic pain (pain of the nerves) can be one of them, main the pain results from the dogs damaged nerves. Cannabis oil reacts by managing the sensory receptors of the nerves in the brain of the dog and completely relieves of the dog of pain.

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5 Stopping and annihilating of cancer cells

Cannabis oil is highly effective in the annihilation of cancerous cells, in that it hinders the multiplication of cancerous cells removing it completely.

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6 Stimulation of appetite and eliminating nausea

The NCI (National Cancer Institute) established that cannabis oil proved very effective in stimulating the appetite for dogs that have not eaten for a while; similarly, it is a wonderful anti-nausea for dogs which is good in helping dogs regains their health.

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7 Improvement of the dog’s heart

Cannabis oil has several cardio properties which play major roles in regaining of the shape of spoilt blood veins, relaxing walls of arteries and keep the arteries free of inflammation, maintenance of proper heart bits, controls plaque of the arteries and manage HBP (high blood pressure).

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8 Soothing of IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)

Because it contains properties that are antibiotic in nature, helps in the normalization of the stomach and increases food breakdown, cannabis oil is found to be highly recommended for colitis and for bowel inflammation-related diseases.

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9 Prevention of Diabetes in dogs

As weird as it may sound, the truth is cannabis oil can be effectively used to reduce or to completely deter diabetes this is because cannabis oil helps in normalization of the stomach walls and increases metabolism thereby improving absorption of sugar essentials. Additionally, it plays roles in managing diabetes-related challenges such as blindness and atherosclerosis.

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10 Nervous System protection

Myelopathy is a deadly autoimmune inflammatory disease that degenerates and could cause dogs to paralyze; cannabis oil was found to be effective in that it protects your dog’s nerve system from invasion.

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In conclusion, cannabis oil has also been found to have several other benefits to dogs apart from the above listed ten benefits. It can also help your dog deal with allergies of the skin, as well as an ant-oxidation agent that will keep your dog off stress resulting from oxidation and lower the rate of aging, as an alternative glaucoma treatment medication, it is also good for a complete stoppage or reducing the size of lipomas of dogs. In general, the wellbeing of your good dog can be taken care of wholesomely by use of cannabis oil, but as mentioned earlier in this article ensure you talk to your vet just before you choose to do cannabis for your pet.

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