Home Decorations

70+ Outdated Decorating Trends and Ideas Coming Back

According to most home décor experts, this year is going to experience lots of ideas. In other words, there will be various highly innovative home décor ideas that are going to be introduced. However, such doesn’t mean we are not going to experience some outdated ideas coming back too.

In case you have always got the idea of exploring any of those classic and outdated home decoration trends, this year will offer you the opportunity of giving such a shot. This post’s primary aim is to reveal some outdated decorating trends expected to make a comeback this year. The truth is that some of these outdated ideas are as good as most modern ideas. In other words, they can have the same impact once adopted for home décor ideas.

1 Tile countertops

It is easy to write off countertops that have been built with tiles. For instance, people consider its idea as old-fashioned. One of the reasons for this is that they are quite challenging to maintain. This has made granite and marble a much better option for homeowners. However, they are expected to make a massive comeback this year. One of the reasons for this is that they are a cost-effective option. Of course,  this year, people will be frugal in their spending habits.

2 Shag carpet

Most people talk about shag carpets not being stylish and modern in homes once used. Negative opinions like these have made them less popular amongst homeowners in recent times. However, this year is expected to be different as people are looking for something unique. Whether it is a residential or commercial building, these are a great option to try out. Shag carpets are also very comfortable among other carpets you will find in the market. They are a perfect way to stand out from the crowd.

3 Industrial Kitchen

It is easy to conclude that industrial kitchens don’t make a place look cool. It is also possible to say that dishwashers, ovens, and refrigerators don’t make a kitchen appear modern. The truth is that industrial kitchen ideas are expected to make the headlines this year compared to the past. This is because people will not be laying too much emphasis on space. This home decorating trend can make your kitchen look unique.

4 Accent walls

When any outdated decorating trends are being mentioned, people are always quick to include accent walls. For instance, they believe that this idea can make a place appear cluttered. Also, some see these walls as distractions. Despite all of these, accent walls will become even more popular this year. Don’t forget that they are known to have a major advantage. This is making space appear larger. Therefore, you may want to consider this option if your room is small.

5 Textured wall

Does it mean the days of using wallpapers are almost over? The use of textured walls hasn’t been undeniable in the past. This is simply because most homeowners preferred wallpapers since they are usually available in various designs. They provide different options when it comes to making space very appealing.  However, textured walls also have their advantages. For instance, they are great at hiding flaws such as cracks, dent, holes, etc. They can also add a unique visual appeal to any space. Finally, installing them is quite easier. These are some of the reasons why homeowners will prefer them this year.

6 Mid-century architecture

If you are one of those who think that the mid-century style is outdated due to being overused, you have to rethink. One of the reasons why most homeowners are expected to choose this option is flexible and accommodating. Simply put, you can easily make use of home décor styles/ideas alongside this one. It focuses on using simplicity to produce desired results.

7 Traditional style

Whether you want to admit it or not, old-school home décor styles are going to make a huge comeback this year. The major focus of homeowners is how to give their spaces a classic look. Don’t worry, as the appeal of your space will not be compromised. You will be finding overstuffed furniture, comfortable sofas, and softer curves in homes more than ever before. This is one trend that is expected to make headlines this year. It is the easiest way to take back the hands of time.

8 Round shapes

There was a time when people cared less about the shape of furniture and other items in their spaces. However, they started paying attention to these shapes, and this made round items less popular. Events are changing once again, and this year is expected to be a year when people will throw caution to the wind by going for round shaped pieces of furniture. Whether you have armchairs, tables, or sofas, the bottom line is a comfortable look and feel. Round shaped furniture can offer plenty of such.

9 Bold wall colors

Bold wall colors used to be very trendy in the past. People used them to make statements in their homes before neutral wall colors became mostly preferred. All of these are expected to change this year. People will make more use of bold colors than light colors, as predicted by experts. Homeowners will be going back to the basics.

10 Wood paneling

During the 70s, people couldn’t do without wood paneling in their homes. These were considered to be very fabulous back then. However, its popularity began to wane during the early 2000s as homeowners preferred other options they thought were much better. This year is expected to be a different year, though. For instance, homeowners have discovered that this can make their spaces appear very elegant. Veneers are one of the best options you can explore in this regard. It is natural and perfect for any space.

11 Millennial pink

Do you think millennial pink is no longer trendy as it once was among homeowners? It is easy to talk about people using colors like white, gold, blue, and others in recent times to make their spaces look appealing. However, many homeowners who want something different and special will use pink color. It is expected to be one of the most popular home décor trends this year.

12 Spacy rooms

There was a time when most homeowners were always talking about compact rooms. They believe that it was the best option since such can make their spaces appear more appealing. This makes the items in such rooms to be very noticeable. However, spacious rooms are expected to become trendy. Their benefit of providing comfort is what homeowners can’t seem to compromise. It is all about doing something different from what others are doing.


Having seen the above, it is evident that some outdated decorating trends will be coming back this year. These are trends that can make a huge difference in your home. For more home decorations-related posts, click here.
