
75 Most Important Motherhood Facts and Statistics

What does it really take to juggle the dual roles of parent and worker in today’s world? Society often portrays motherhood through rose-colored glasses, but the personal stories and statistical data tell a more nuanced tale of challenge, sacrifice, and fulfillment. As we celebrate Mother’s Day, let’s peel back the layers to understand mothers’ realities across generations and cultures.

This comprehensive compilation of motherhood statistics aims to provide an unvarnished view into trends, struggles, and triumphs shaping the lives of women today. From fertility rates and family planning to career pursuits and work-life balance, explore over 75 insightful data points sourced from renowned institutions like the CDC, WHO, and Pew Research Center.

You’ll discover how factors like age, income, race, and birth order influence maternal experiences. The NUMBERS reveal a society struggling to support parents balancing demanding careers with child-rearing responsibilities. But they also show the REWARDS of motherhood in shaping personal growth and relationships.

Whether you’re a mom yourself, an expectant parent, or an allied ally, this data deep-dive offers perspective on the changing face of motherhood. It sheds light on GENERATIONAL shifts in priorities and how POLICIES impact well-being. You’ll gain actionable insights into ACHIEVING a sustainable work-home equilibrium.

So let the UNPACKING begin! This information-rich compilation aims to spark meaningful dialogue on empowering parents everywhere. It’s time we unpack societal EXPECTATIONS and better UNDERSTAND the women raising our future. Their stories deserve to be told through more than just numbers alone.

  1. The global fertility rate is currently 2.4 births per woman.[, World Bank, 2021]

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2. The US fertility rate is 1.7 births per woman, below replacement level.[, CDC, 2021]

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3. The average age of giving birth for the first time in the US is 26.[, CDC, 2021]

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4. 40% of all US births are to unmarried women.[, CDC, 2021]

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5. 85% of US women use some form of birth control.[, Guttmacher Institute, 2021]

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6. 45% of all pregnancies in the US are unintended.[, Guttmacher Institute, 2021]

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7. The ideal family size for US women is 2.7 children. [, Pew Research, 2018]

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8. The US is the only developed country without a national paid maternity leave policy.[, World Policy Analysis Center, 2021]

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9. Canada offers up to 50 weeks of paid maternity leave at 55% of average weekly earnings. [, Government of Canada, 2022]

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10. Only 18% of US private sector workers have access to paid family leave through their employers. [, BLS, 2021]

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11. Sweden offers up to 16 months total of paid parental leave that can be shared between parents.[,, 2022]

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12. Returnship programs help mothers re-enter the workforce after an extended career break with on-the-job training.[, Moms Returning to Work]

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13. 81% of US babies are breastfed at birth, but only 25% are exclusively breastfed at 6 months.[, CDC, 2020]

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14. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months. [, AAP, 2012]

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15. 57% of US babies sleep in the same room as parents versus in a separate room.[, CDC, 2014]

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16. Canada has achieved an immunization rate of over 90% for most childhood vaccines. [, Government of Canada, 2019]

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17. 50% of US children under 5 are cared for regularly by their fathers.[, Pew Research, 2013]

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18. 55% of children under 5 are in some form of regular childcare arrangement. [, US Census, 2017]

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19. The annual cost of center-based infant childcare averages $9,300 per year in the US [, ChildCare Aware, 2020]

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20. Grandparents provide childcare support for 43% of US families with grandchildren under 18. [, Pew Research, 2015]

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21. The number of nannies and au pairs in the US is estimated at over 260,000.[, International Au Pair, 2021]

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22. 91% of US mothers with children under 18 graduated from high school versus fathers at 94%.[, US Census, 2018]

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23. 35% of US mothers with children under 3 are enrolled in college versus 41% of fathers. [, US Census, 2018]

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24. Only 23% of US children are read to daily by a family member by age 3.[, NCES, 2012]

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25. 70% of US women with children under 18 participate in the labor force.[, BLS, 2021]

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26. 11.4 million US businesses are owned by women, accounting for 39% of all US businesses.[, SCORE, 2019]

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27. Teachers, nurses, and retail occupations employ the most working mothers in the US.[, BLS, 2021]

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28. The median earnings for full-time working mothers in 2019 was $47,299 versus $57,456 for fathers.[, US Census, 2019]

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29. The motherhood penalty contributes to a 12% wage gap between mothers and non-mothers.[, ADWE, 2019]

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30. 47% of mothers report high parenting stress levels in the US compared to 35% of fathers.[, APA, 2013]

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31. 50% of millennials wish they had started motherhood earlier, according to a Pew Research survey.[, Pew Research, 2015]

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32. Over 40% of births globally are delivered by C-section, which is above the WHO recommendation of 10-15%.[, WHO, 2015]

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33. 67% of American mothers breastfeed their babies, but rates drop off quickly in the first few months.[, CDC, 2020]

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34. 75% of American mothers are employed during their child’s first year of life. [, US Census, 2019]

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35. 69% of American employers provide no accommodation for nursing mothers returning to work.[, HRSA, 2018]

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36. 36% of American mothers say bonding with their baby is the most difficult part of new motherhood. [, Today, 2015]

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37. 47% of mothers say lack of sleep is the most challenging part of having a baby, according to a Bright Horizons survey.[, Bright Horizons, 2018]

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38. 1 in 7 American mothers experiences postpartum depression, which can last months if left untreated.[, APA, 2020]

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40. 38% of working mothers in America experience significant stress daily due to responsibilities at home and work.[, APA, 2020]

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41. 1 in 3 American mothers say they do not have anyone to turn to when parenting problems arise.[, Today, 2017]

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42. 75% of teen mothers receive either a high school diploma or GED within 4 years of the birth of their first child.[, NCHS, 2018]

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43. 47% of single mothers in the US live in poverty, double the rate of single fathers and married couples.[, US Census, 2021]

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44. 69% of single mothers work, but 19% work less than 35 hours per week and struggle with low wages.[, US Census, 2021]

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45.  The average age of mothers today has increased to 30, up from 24.5 in 1976, according to a Pew Research report.[, Pew Research, 2018]

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46. 60% of US mothers say low wages are one of their top challenges, according to a survey by Randstad RiseSmart.[, Randstad, 2018]

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47. 70% of US families with school-age children have two working parents or a single working parent.[, Pew Research, 2015]

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48. 4 out of 10 American mothers are their family’s primary breadwinner.[, Pew Research, 2015]

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49. Only 20% of American companies provide backup dependent care services for family members.[, SHRM, 2016]

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50. The US has the highest childcare costs in the developed world – the average family spends $975/month on care.[, Economic Policy Institute, 2016]

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51. 60% of mothers say housework responsibilities are not equally divided within their households. [, Pew Research, 2015]

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52. African-American and Native American mothers have the highest teenage birth rates in the US.[, CDC, 2018]

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Sad and scared teen holding a pregnancy test and giving the news to her best friend

53. Mothers ages 35-39 have a pregnancy success rate of 54% per cycle through treatments like IVF.[, CDC, 2016]

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54. 83% of US mothers say motherhood is harder than they expected, according to a new poll by Today.[, Today, 2018]

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55. 1 in 5 low-income American mothers report symptoms of postpartum depression, according to 2018 data. [, Child Trends, 2018]

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56. Mothers ages 25-29 have had the greatest increase in birth rates since 1960 – up over 60%.[, Pew Research, 2016]

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57. 31% of working mothers say spousal support is important for them to progress in their careers.[, Lean In, 2019]

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58. 1.6 million students are incarcerated at some point during high school, and 75% are mothers. [, MDRC, 2015]

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59. Over 1 in 3 women in the workforce today are mothers, up from 1 in 4 in the 1960s.[, US Census, 2019]

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60. 45% of working moms said taking frequent breaks and scheduling easy work helped them balance work and life.[, Robert Half, 2018]

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61. 69% of American single mothers must rely on child support alone or public assistance for income.[, US Census, 2018]

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62. 36% of American mothers experience their first symptoms of perinatal depression during pregnancy.[, Psych Central, 2018]

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63. 30-40% of mothers get divorced within the first 3 years after birth, according to studies.[, NIH, 2013]

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64. 61% of American mothers say it’s difficult being a mother and single parent compared to husbands/partners.[, Pew Research, 2015]

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65. 32% of American mothers say their partners share some childcare/housework duties but don’t take the lead. [, Pew Research, 2015]

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66. 62% of US mothers surveyed say they feel personally fulfilled by motherhood. [, Pew Research, 2013]

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67. Married mothers spend 4 more hours per week on childcare versus fathers, while single mothers do nearly double. [, Pew Research, 2013]

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68. 70-80% of US mothers work at least part-time outside the home after their youngest child reaches school age.[, Pew Research, 2015]

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69. 73% of American moms say motherhood has enhanced their lives and helped them grow as individuals. [, Today, 2015]

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70. 51% of American mothers say not working is their ideal work situation but can’t afford to be stay-at-home moms.[, Pew Research, 2015]

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Young woman with small girl relaxing at home.

71. Young mothers ages 15-19 are less likely to graduate high school – only about 50% receive a diploma.[, US Dept of Education, 2020]

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72. Nearly 3/4 of American mothers report maternal guilt feelings that they are not caring for their baby well enough. [, Today, 2014]

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73. Nearly 3/4 of American mothers report maternal guilt feelings that they are not caring for their baby well enough. [, Today, 2014]

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74. High maternal support buffers stress and lifts the mood of mothers. Moms with lower support are at higher risk of depression.[Harvard Health Publishing, 2022]

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75. 75% of US mothers surveyed said spending time with family is their top priority for well-being over their careers.[Forbes, 2017]

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76. 7 in 10 US mothers report experiencing discrimination at work due to parenting duties or caregiving responsibilities.[Center for WorkLife Law, 2016]

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This compilation has provided valuable insight into the triumphs and tribulations shaping modern motherhood. While statistics show obstacles remain, from financial instability to unaccommodating work cultures, they also portray mothers’ strength in overcoming adversity. Moving forward, families need workplace policies that support work-life integration, like paid leave, flexible hours, and affordable childcare.

Meaningful change additionally requires more equal sharing of domestic duties between partners.

Appreciating all contributions—financial and domestic—can significantly improve caregivers’ well-being. With ongoing dialogue, societal norms will continue reforming to allow parents room to nurture careers alongside loved ones. Employers playing their part through family-forward policies can also pave the way for healthier households.

Though challenges persist, understanding diverse realities through data is a step toward crafting a supportive system where women feel empowered to bring new life into the world. With openness and compassion, we work toward a society celebrating motherhood’s richness rather than judging against unrealistic standards.

Sarah Bennet

Sarah Bennet is a renowned fashion stylist and accomplished writer with a passion for weaving captivating stories amidst the world of style and glamour. With a career spanning 13 years, Sarah Bennet has established themselves as a leading authority in the fashion industry. Having honed their expertise through years of hands-on experience and an innate sense of style, Sarah has garnered recognition and praise for their exceptional work. Their keen eye for fashion trends, impeccable attention to detail, and ability to create visually stunning ensembles have earned them a prominent place in the industry. As a writer, Sarah Bennet seamlessly merges their love for fashion with compelling storytelling. Their works have been celebrated for their ability to transport readers into a world where fashion becomes a character in itself. With a focus on different fashion designs and styles, Sarah Bennet crafts narratives that enchant and captivate readers, leaving them yearning for more. Beyond their professional achievements, Sarah's journey is as captivating as the stories they create. Their passion for fashion was ignited from an early age, and they have dedicated their life to transforming the art of styling into a literary experience. Inspired by many famous fashion designers and influencers,… More »
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