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Metabolic Cycling Tricks for Fat Loss

1- You must add variety in your training to achieve more results and get more benefits of fat lose, you can keep the workout the same, but change the exercises or keep the workout and the exercises the same, but change the reps, rest period, or tempo or you can Change the entire workout plan.

2- Add strength training to your fat loss plan to preserve your precious lean muscle and maybe even gain some sexy and lean muscle while you burn fat at the same time as it hits your muscles on a neurological level, which increases your ability to recruit more muscle fibers.

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3- Also hypertrophy training is very important because it hits your muscles on more of a metabolic and cellular level, increasing the size and numbers of your muscle filaments.

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4- Straightsets with a lower rep range and longer rest periods to focus on strength, stimulating the nervous system and recruiting more muscle fibers, and super-sets with a higher rep range and shorter rest to focus on hypertrophy to increase the size of the muscle.

5- Finally, Your muscle should be totally fried and ready for some healthy nutrition and rest to help it recovers and rebuild.

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