Rings are usually worn on the middle and ring fingers and they are rarely seen on the other fingers. We used to do that, but nowadays it has become completely different as you can see teenagers and even kids who wear rings on any finger and maybe all of them instead of just one or two. Wearing rings has a special meaning that differs from one finger to another and even from one hand to the other one. What is the meaning of wearing a ring on the right hand and does it differ from the left hand? Wearing rings on the right hand stands for awareness, logic, consciousness and having control on different things such as actions and other things that are related to the person’s life since the right hand is controlled by the left brain which is responsible for logic. On the other hand, wearing rings on the left hand stands for creativity and beliefs and this is because the left hand is controlled by the right brain which is responsible for the one’s creativity. This is for wearing rings on the two hands, what about the meanings of wearing rings on different fingers?
♦ The index finger: Wearing a ring on the index finger stands for power, authority, ambition and leadership since this finger is thought to be powerful unlike other fingers and this is why healers, priests and other people especially kings were wearing rings on this finger. The stones which are preferred for this finger include amethyst and blue topaz.
♦ The middle finger: The middle finger is the tallest finger in our hand and is located at the center of the hand which makes wearing a ring on this finger associated with materialism, individuality, balanced life, personal identity, purposes in life, the ability to distinguish between right and wrong and seeking for being the center of attention. The stones which are preferred for the middle finger include coal and quartz.
♦ The ring finger: It is widely known as the ring finger because we are used to wearing rings on this finger. Wearing a ring on this finger stands for creativity, optimism, emotion, affection and love. The love that is represented by wearing rings on the ring finger differs according to the one who purchased the ring. If you are the one who purchased the ring and wear it on the ring finger in the left hand, then this indicates self-love and belief in your talents. If there is another one who purchased the ring for you, then wearing this ring means love and faithfulness to this person who brought the ring. Wearing a ring on the ring finger is commonly associated with being engaged or married since the ring finger is widely believed to be connected to the heart as it is close to the artery that goes to our heart. Among the stones which are preferred for this finger are moonstone and jade.
♦ The little finger: Wearing a ring on the little finger stands for strength, confidence whether it is in personal relationships or in business and it is also related to our attitude towards others and even ourselves, enhancing relationships even in marriage and the best stones that are preferred for this little finger are citrine and amber.
♦ The thumb: Wearing a ring on the thumb means logic, thinking, having control on actions, independence, strength and freedom. Do you have any of these features? Among the stones which are preferred for this finger are garnet and ruby.
Rings are generally and usually worn to enhance the elegance of our hands but when they are worn in large numbers and on many fingers, it may indicate lack of self-confidence and the desire to attract more attention.
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