
Learn How to Create a Good Thesis Statement

 How to Write a Thesis Statement Easily? 

Students who complete many writing assignments know that creating a good text is practically impossible without figuring out the main idea, also referred to as a thesis statement. A good thesis statement is the heart of your writing task and possibly the most difficult part of work. Therefore, thesis writing always causes so many problems. It is extremely important to know how to formulate the main idea of the future text correctly. Many students neglect this work, which results in inconsistent and illogical papers.

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 How to Formulate a Thesis Statement Step by Step? 

A thesis statement is the main idea of the text formulated in one or two sentences. How to express it well? This process can be divided into several following steps:

  1. Analyze the topic. If you already have the topic, the first thing you should do to is to analyze it from different points of view. Make sure you understand the assignment and know what exactly your professor wants.
  2. Ask questions. It is important to ask questions about the topic. What is the subject of the issue under discussion? What is the importance of it? What do people think about it? What is my own attitude towards the subject? How can it be treated from different points of view? Answers to these questions can be useful for formulating the main idea.
  3. Consider the purpose of the work itself. When completing academic assignments, one needs to pay attention to their types: argumentative essays are used to prove some point and convince readers; analytical assignments provide an insight into some selected issue, etc. Thus, it is necessary to match the main idea with the type of your academic work.
  4. Give a detailed description of an issue. A thesis statement must give a concise description of the subject while the following body paragraphs of your text would give more evidence and details to support the main idea.
  5. Avoid excessive subjectivity. Although the main aim of the thesis statement is to reflect your own opinion and attitude towards the topic, you need to remember that subjective judgments are not always appreciated by professors. So, try to express your attitude in a more appropriate form, supporting it with evidence.
  6. Remember the place of a thesis statement. A thesis statement is the starting point of your written assignment, that is why it should be placed in the introductory part. It is better to write it at the very end of the first paragraph because the next passages will be devoted to proving this idea.
  7. Mind the size. Recommended length of a thesis statement is one or two sentences. You must remember that no details should be included in this part – only the concisely formulated main idea.

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These practical recommendations are useful for students who don’t know how to start working on their writing assignments. Apply them to your everyday writing tasks, and you will be able to create well-organized, convincing, and logical papers deserving only the highest marks.

Nessma Joussef

Meet Nessma Joussef, an experienced journalist with a passion for storytelling and a deep understanding of the ever-evolving world of lifestyle. With more than 9 years of expertise, Nessma captivates readers with engaging articles on many lifestyle topics, politics, and more. Their insightful commentary and thought-provoking perspectives provide a fresh take on various topics, inspiring readers to embrace new experiences and lead fulfilling lives. Join Nessma on a journey of discovery and exploration as they uncover the cultural, social, and personal influences that shape the way we live. More »
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