Categories: Education

Do You Know How to Choose the Right Toys & Games for Your Child?

Toys and games are not only purchased for children to allow them to spend their time playing and to make them busy instead of turning the home into a real mess. Playing with different games and toys can help your child to gain new skills that may come to be complicated but are necessary for developing the mind of your child, personality and improving his\her skills. In order to help your child to learn while playing without any kind of obligation, you have to be careful while purchasing any toy or game for your child and make sure that you choose the right one. To know how to select the right toy, read the following tips.

♦ Choose the toys that stimulate your child’s skills.

♦ Look for the toys that suit your child’s gender, age, personality, and interests.

– Toys for babies whose age ranges from the {date of birth to one year} should focus on encouraging your baby to use different senses.

Toys for kids whose age ranges from {1 to 3 years} should encourage your child to use his\her body and muscles and develop socializing and communicating skills such as the toys of imitations.

– Toys for the kids who are {3 to 5 years} should focus on creativity and help your child to form his\her personality. Toys such as clay, paints, books, and toys that present recognized characters are suitable for that. Make sure that the human-like or animated toys that you choose are for good characters that can be imitated.

– Toys for children who are at school {from 5 to 9 years} focus on teaching your child different skills and qualities such as sharing, independence, self-esteem, matching, counting and solving problems. Electronic toys, math toys, and storybooks can all help you to achieve that.

– Toys for children who are {9 to 12 years} and are called preteens should be complicated because children at this age do not tend to play with toys. Toys which focus on intellectual skills such as science toys, board games, construction toys, strategic puzzle, and electronic games are the best choice for your child at this age.

♦ Choose challenging toys with tricks that make your child spend some time to think about the way of using this toy and playing with it because the toys that can be easily discovered and solved become boring quickly.

♦ Do not choose toys that are very complicated because they can make your child frustrated if s\he failed to play with them.

♦ Do not depend on just one toy to improve different skills for your child, so you have to choose a group of toys that complement each other.
