No one can deny that there are some athletes who are naturally gifted, but it is not enough for them to be able to exceed the limits and achieve success. If you are naturally gifted and you do not try to improve your skills through continuous practice, then you will lose this gift because it is not developed. Boosting your vertical leap does not only depend on strengthening the muscles of your legs, but it also requires strengthening other muscles in your body especially the core muscles. There are many exercises that allows you to increase your vertical jump. Here are some of these exercises that will help you to strengthen the muscles of your legs, enhance your endurance and thus you will be able to dunk the basketball without problems.
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– Stop gaining weight: First of all, in order to be able to boost you vertical leap, you have to lose weight and the best way for doing that is to keep healthy and stay away from fats and the unhealthy food or junk food on which we depend in our life. The best types of food that you should depend on to get the needed nutrition and all the essential substances are vegetables and fruit.
– Warm-up: Before starting doing any workouts, you have first to prepare your body and the muscles through doing few simple exercises or moves. Warming up your body is essential for increasing your heart rate, making your body flexible and preparing your muscles for responding to any sudden and strong moves that you are going to do. This will decrease the risks of causing injuries that may happen when you do exercises with high intensity. Stretching is a simple and easy exercise for warming up your body and its muscles and you can also climb stairs quickly which helps to get heart rate up. Warm-up does not take a long time as all what you need is just 5 to 10 minutes. You have to stretch different parts of the body such as neck, shoulders, back, arms and not only hamstrings and calves which exist in your leg.
– Jump rope: In order to be able to increase your vertical jump, you have to practice jumping until you reach the height that you want and that allows you to achieve your goal. Use a jump rope to help you to practice jumping vertically. Although jumping rope helps you to practice short jumps, it is beneficial for strengthening the muscles of your legs and preparing you for practicing higher jumps later on. Make it a daily habit and jump for 15 minutes in an open and wide place for free movement. Do not run while you are using the jump robe but raise your two feet from the floor in the same moment.
– Squats: It targets different muscles in the body such as those of the legs, buttock, upper back, lower back, abdomen, trunk, shoulders, arms and costal muscles. This exercise can be done without carrying weights, but in order to increase its impact and make it more challenging for the muscles of your legs you will need to carry moderate weights such as dumbbells or heavier weights such as a barbell on your shoulders and behind your neck.
– Deep knee bends: You stand while your back is straight, raise your head up and put your hands on your hips. Bend down with keeping your back straight and then stand to return back to the previous position but do it slowly to make the exercise effective. Repeat this exercise for 20 times and in order to increase the intensity of the exercise, stand on your toes. You can also jump as high as possible when you rise up instead of doing it slowly.
– Deadlift: It is based on bending down with your knees to lift a heavy weight such as a barbell. This exercise works different muscles such as those of the abdomen, back, legs, arms and hips. This exercise can be done not only through lifting barbells but you can also lift other weights such as dumbbells and kettlebells. The heavier weights you lift, the more effective the exercise will be.
– Heel and toe raises: These exercises involve calf muscles and strengthen them. It can be done through raising your body up while you are standing on your toes or heels. Repeat this exercise 30 times and try to increase the number of repetitions each time. Do not forget to move your body up and down slowly to make the exercise more effective and challenging.
– Crunches: In order to increase your vertical leaps, you need to strengthen the muscles of your abdomen and crunches can help you to do that. You can increase the intensity of the exercise through carrying a moderate weight on your chest.
– Lunge jumps: You bend one leg in front of you while the other one is placed behind you, when you rise up try to jump as high as possible. Change the position of your legs in every move by making the one which was in front of you in the previous move behind you in the next one.
– Sprint: It is running with a high speed and over a short distance. It helps you to increase your heart rate and will allow you to boost your vertical leap.
You have to practice vertical jumps as high as possible from time to time and track your progress through asking someone to observe you because it will be difficult to watch yourself. Do not give up quickly because you will need to exert a huge effort and spend a long time practicing exercises.
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