Deciding the best and most suitable shoes for you depends on your personality, needs and what matches the clothes that you have in your wardrobe for this season. You have to choose what makes you comfortable and make your feet free while walking in this hot weather. The new shoes that are presented in spring and summer in this year vary in their designs, colors, materials and height. You can find flat shoes, heeled shoes, sneakers, sandals, lace-up heels, ankle-cuff heels, mesh heels, platform sandals, pointy-toe pumps, woven platforms, stacked-heel booties, neon heels, peep-toe boots, wedge sneakers, ugly dad sneakers, lace-up ballet slippers, cap-toe booties, mules or even boots and sock booties. All of these designs can be found in the new year to choose the best for you.
The designs of the shoes that are presented in this season are inspired by the surrounding nature as you can find shoes with floral and animal prints, butterfly patterns and there are also other designs which are inspired by architectural structures. It may sound impossible for you to believe that there are boots which are presented for women to be worn in spring and summer. This sounds strange because we used to wear boots in fall and winter when the weather is cold and we need to wear something thick, heavy and long on our legs to be warm and resist the surrounding coldness. Those closed boots that are worn in winter are not suitable for spring and summer and this is why they are designed in a new way as they have openings and cuts to make you comfortable and not to feel annoyed while wearing them.
Those shoes or summer boots that come with long necks whether they are knee-length boots or ankle boots come to decorate your legs as if there are drawings that are beautifully made on your legs to make them catchier. You can find designs that are butterfly shaped or just strips of leather or cloth around your legs. The design of the heels also differs from one shoe to another as there are heeled shoes with cutout wedges, chunky platforms, kitten heels, cutout heels, curve heels, architectural heels and more designs.
The shoes that are presented in this season are decorated through using bows, beads, floral prints or gilded. One of the hottest trends that can be found in the shoes and sandals of spring and summer in this year is using sheer and transparent materials. These materials are light and are considered to be perfect for the hot weather to make your feet free while they are slipped in your shoes or sandals.