Things happen in life, and children can become estranged from their parents. For a myriad of reasons, people may feel that they can’t provide for or raise their kids, and they’re put up for adoption.
Some parents choose to abandon their children, leaving them to fend for themselves, and they often end up in foster care.
As children grow up, they may decide to find their birth parents. In some cases, it’s mere curiosity; for others, an urgent medical situation may require knowledge only the parents can provide.
When it comes time for the children to search for their parents, the task isn’t straightforward. Depending on the terms of the separation and many legal factors, it’s not always possible.
There are ways to search for people who have disappeared from their life. Government agencies have online databases for these purposes, and numerous other websites can assist.

1 Adoptees Searching for Birth Parents
One demographic looking for long-lost parents are those who were adopted. Parents may regret decisions made at the time of the adoption. Later in life, they may change their mind, and thankfully things can be altered.
Mutual Consent Databases
There are many reasons a person may not be willing or able to raise a child and place them up for adoption. At the time, emotions are high, and they may elect a closed adoption, which means their contact details can never be made available.
Years later, they may change their mind and can have themselves added to a mutual consent database. Any child looking for a birth parent can also submit their details. If the two matches up, introductions are made.
Some conditions apply to utilizing these sites. The child must be over 18 (or 21 in some states) and may need the adoptive parents’ consent.

2 Other Ways to Find Long-Lost Parents
In the past, before the internet age, searching for parents was a time-consuming task. Visiting libraries and public records offices and getting legal access was challenging.
The internet has made this process more streamlined. There is information online about people that they didn’t even know existed. Children may be able to obtain contact details about their parents by utilizing the correct sites and databases.
- Social Media
Searching for people online is made easy with the help of social media if the person wants to be found.
A straight search of the person by their name may bring up results.
There are dedicated pages for adoptees or foster care kids to reunite with their parents. These are usually state-based, and some are government-sponsored.
A unique but often successful way of using social media to locate a long-lost parent is to create a page telling your story. Give as much detail as possible, and somebody reading it may know how to contact the parents in question.
- People Search Sites
If a person doesn’t want to be found, they’ll likely have little to no online presence, but that doesn’t mean they’re completely invisible. Many people don’t realize that some transactions they make end up in data broker databases, also known as people search sites.
These sites scrape the internet and build databases on people. Any public or open court records are available to anyone. Data brokers take information from these as well as utility companies and car and property sale and purchase documents.
People can conduct searches with as little information as a name and a state of residence (former or current). Any other information known can be entered in the form of pop-ups as the search proceeds.

3 Long-Lost but Locatable
Finding a long-lost or unknown parent is no longer challenging, as the internet has made this task easier.
Children of closed adoptions may still be able to locate their birth parents if they’ve changed their minds and added themselves to a mutual consent database.
Social media is an excellent search engine. If a straight name search fails, join a family search page or write a story others may respond to.
People search sites have databases on people who may not even know their details are present. Even tiny amounts of information can provide accurate results.
Are you looking for a long-lost parent? Nothing is stopping you now.