Eyebrows are considered the frame of the face. If they are well-groomed and shaped, they can have a powerful effect on enhancing and bringing out the best facial features. For mature ladies over the age of 50, the shortcut to having the perfect eyebrows is to follow a proper shaping technique and fill them with enough color to bring more sharpness and symmetry to the face. A great, long-lasting way to get sharp, defined brows is through brow tinting. This eyebrow tint by Godefroy Beauty is perfect for mature skin as it is gentle and effective.

When it comes to eyebrows, there are some common mistakes often seen in older ladies. These mistakes are generally linked to trends that were popular in their thirties. however, these common eyebrows mistakes are likely to age you and mess with the balanced proportion of your features. It’s Known that eyebrows mistakes are enough to break any look. Thankfully, they are easily fixed with some simple tweaks and tips Pouted magazine will share with you below.

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Best Over 50 Eyebrows Shape
You may be accustomed to plucking your eyebrows thin regularly; nonetheless, as you age, your eyebrow hair tends to become coarse and wiry, and it can also grow out of shape; or on the other hand, you may notice a significant decrease in the volume and density of your eyebrows due to aging and over-plucking. In either case, it is worth having your eyebrows professionally shaped to restore symmetric shape and color.

Thick, perfectly shaped eyebrows are currently in vogue worldwide; no doubt, a pair of those perfect eyebrows can add irresistible vibrancy to your look. however, if you’re like most older ladies who have over-plucked their eyebrows for centuries, causing hair growth to be stunted in some patches, fear not; we’ll share with you below professional tips on all the different ways you can have perfect over 50 eyebrows regardless of their current situation.

How to Perfectly Shape Your Eyebrows
It may be more difficult to shape your eyebrows now that you are over 50; Especially when you don’t have to stick to the natural line anymore. Instead, you may use shaping hacks to give your face a slight lift.

Asymmetric or out-of-proportion eyebrows are common among women over 50, enhancing the unattractive aging image that we don’t want. To create the illusion of flawless natural eyebrows capable of giving all the youthfulness and brightness to your face, follow the simple tutorial below.
To begin, you must partially disregard your eyebrows’ natural line and start establishing new measures for the ideal eyebrow shape in accordance with the rest of your facial features; you may use an eyebrow pencil to mark your measurements.

To begin: place your eyebrow pencil at the corner of your nose in a way that intersects with the innermost corner of your eye. Where the pencil lies directly above the eye rim, take a mark there.
Next, align the eyebrow pencil or measurement instrument on the outside corner of your nose with the outermost corner of your eye. Then, mark a spot where the pencil lies along the brows bone.
The following step is to indicate the eyebrows arch. To do that, align the pencil at the corner of your nose along the way with the center of your pupil, there the straight line falls on the eyebrows bone, mark your measurements.
The three markings you made should identify the tip, arch, and tail of your eyebrows. If they don’t precisely match the natural line of your eyebrows, that’s fine; we’ll fill in the gaps after shaping to produce the right shape.

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Common Over 50 Eyebrows Mistakes you Should Avoid
You probably have mastered your way around makeup by the age of 30 knowing what techniques work for you best and what to avoid. However after the age of 30, your skin starts to experience inevitable changes related to aging, those changes will begin to show up gradually and slowly in the sort of fine wrinkles, droopiness, skin dullness, dark spots, wrinkles, and the list goes on.

Your eyebrows aren’t immune to those aging signs, necessitating the use of new shaping and filling techniques to combat the undesired aging signs you’re acquiring. Sticking to your old ways of shaping your eyebrows can be the most significant mistake you should ditch for the new chapter of your life.

According to Hollywood beauty experts, making a mistake with your eyebrows might be the one thing you’re doing wrong that’s making you look older and duller. Apart from following inappropriate eyebrows routines for your age, there are other eyebrows mistakes made by ladies in their 50s and beyond that are pretty standard. We will be addressing below as well as the best way to fix such mistakes.

Using too Much of too Many Products
Let’s face it; older women are still fascinated with the 1990s fad of tweezing their brows overly thin, confident that this is the way to show off their brows. Although we can’t go back in time to cure or avoid the repercussions of these widespread mistakes, there are now numerous trustworthy and effective restorative measures for older women suffering from over-thinning eyebrows.

If you have thinning eyebrows, you may have tried to compensate for the loss of density by filling them in with excessively dark hues like dark brown or black in the hopes of achieving the youthful look you desire. However, as you get older, you should be cautious about using very dark colors in your brows because they tend to contrast sharply with skin and draw attention to skin imperfections. You should also avoid precisely defining your brows.

Remember that you want your brows to seem natural so that they complement and enhance your most outstanding features. To achieve this, choose hues with a softer impact and fill in the gaps softly rather than drawing a pair of unnatural eyebrows.

Lightening your Eyebrows
While it is not advisable to overly darken your eyebrows as you age, you should also avoid dyeing them too light. Dying your eyebrows blond or faded grey will not create the harmony between your hair color and eyebrows that you believe; instead, lightening your eyebrows will remove their statement that helps conceal other aging signs and bring some sharpness to your softening features.

Participants in a 2017 research were shown two images of the same woman over the age of 50, one of which had a higher contrast level in the color of lips and eyebrows, while the other had lower levels of contrast. According to the findings, the participants saw ladies with somewhat more contracted eyebrows and lips as younger.

The study underlines the importance of the statement your eyebrows add in achieving the younger look you seek. The most straightforward technique to get the look you desire is to strike the perfect balance when picking the filling color. Neutral colors like grey and brown are good to play with until you discover the ideal shade for your skin tone.

Not Grooming Stray Grey Hairs
Graying is one of the inevitable changes you’ll notice with your eyebrows as you get older. Just as the hair on your head turns white as you get older, so will the hairs in your eyebrows. But it’s not just the color loss that’s going to be an indicator of aging; as the hair loses pigment, it can also lose the oils and lubricants that help it lay softly in an excellent shape; as a consequence, the hair in your brows will grow excessively long and/or become too coarse and wiry, giving your face an older appearance.

So, unless you’re going for an older, chaotic look, you should cut those stray grey hairs to reduce the unpleasant influence they may have on your overall appearance. You can accomplish this by tinting them regularly or trimming your brows after they’ve grown out of the approved length.

Plucking your Eyebrows too Often
As your eyebrows lose their form and get heavier with age, you may find yourself tweezing them regularly, which is a typical eyebrow mistake older women make that may result in irreparable over-plucking issues such as stunted growth or empty patches.

Using the scissors to carefully clip off the extra length of your eyebrows hair is a better approach to your eyebrows-care regimen; occasionally, when the hairs grow too long, they may give the appearance that they require plucking from the roots when they simply need superficial trimming.