Leadership should not end at being identified or appointed to a certain role rather, it should be a journey of continual quest for betterment in service. In this regard, leaders must continue improving their skills to be better, to serve better and to deliver better. Attributes of leadership are important in all areas of life; in the work place, in the family, in church, etc. and there are great tools that will help you improve your skills to be better.
EssayShark have compiled a list of 5 effective tips that will improve your skills and make you a better leader with paper writing services:
1 Nurture a likeable personality
To be a successful leader, you will need to interact and get the support of others; a likeable personality is the tool you need to employ for leadership success. An attractive personality will disarm the people around you and get them to warm up to you and enabling you to lead effectively; attitude is a key determinant for getting the support you need or not. Part of being pleasant is learning how to deal with other personalities and emotions such as anger, pain, bitterness, and frustrations without impacting negatively on others. Always watch the pitch and tone of your voice and your facial expression to avoid passing negative signals.
2 Be your true self
True leadership is true and genuine, do not sell to people something that you are not because it will not last long before your true character is discovered. Be principled and stand for a cause that you truly believe in without wavering- be someone that will inspire others with your commitment and dedication to your beliefs and people will follow you.

3 Be of unwavering courage
There is no real leadership without courage; it takes making tough decisions and taking risks when others may not. Be confident in your abilities and decisions; people respect and will follow the path of a courageous leader and will give you their full support.
4 Be a good planner
Successful and true leadership is about planning, and planning everything- every decision should be well thought out and considered before implementation. People want a leader who knows where he is headed and where he wants to take them. Planning requires constant self evaluation, identification of shortcomings and rectifying them.
It also means constantly acquiring new and refreshing your knowledge by reading, attending seminars and having the right people around you.
5 Lead by example
You have to lead by example to get the respect and motivate those behind you; you should ask or tell people to do what you can do yourself. When something needs to be done, roll your sleeves and be the first in the trenches; leading from the front is inspiring and motivational- your followers will immediately emulate your example.
Leadership is not a gift rather, it is a lifetime endeavour to learn and be better to serve- it is about service. Leaders do not tire and should not stop learning, be equipped for today and have the skills to face tomorrow- use these five tools to enhance your leadership skills.