
Chow-Chow Dog Is Smart, Loyal And Good Companion

The chow-chow dog is a dog breed and its origin is china where it was used for hunting over 2000 years ago. In china, this dog was called several names but no one of them was chow-chow. The chows look in a square profile, small triangular ears and broad skull and it is a sturdily built dog. This breed is known for its dense coat whether it is rough or smooth and this fur is very thick particularly in the neck area; this coat could be black, creamy, red, blue or cinnamon.



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The chows eyes are deep in almond-shaped, it has very straight hind legs, it has unusual tongue which is a blue/black purple tongue and this bluish color extends to its lips as well. It has a distinctive feature which is the curly tail and its thick hair is curled on its back. Its nose is usually black, but it could be a solid blue for the blue chow-chow.




The chow-chow is a dog with a medium to large size, it is very intelligent, independent and it has a protective nature. This kind of dogs if trained well. it will be very friendly; the bad training may lead it to act territorial and unfriendly. To remain healthy and happy, it should have routine exercises. It could be good for being a guard dog or a watch dog, but it may not be suitable for everyone to bring chow-chow dog in the home. To train your chow-chow dog to be friendly, smart, loyal and beautiful, you have to learn it that you are the household. Finally, it is a good companion.


Maria Olson

Maria Olson is a freelance writer with over five years of experience. She specializes in writing about many lifestyle topics including travel and culture, and her work has been published in many worldwide magazines. Maria holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism has received several awards for her writing. When she's not writing, Maria enjoys exploring new destinations and trying new foods. She is also an avid photographer and has captured stunning images from her travels around the world. Check her articles to learn more about her upcoming projects.
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