
Best 15 Natural Remedies for Getting Rid of Pests in Your House

Pests can be very destructive around the home. The worst part is that their presence can start to create some health issues for you and your loved ones. That is why experts advise getting rid of them from all over the house. The primary aim of this post is to show you some of the most natural ways to dispose of pests. They are straightforward and effective. Just choose any one of them and stick to it for the best of results.

1 Garlic

Garlic is beneficial when it comes to pest control around the home. All that you need to do is getting its peeled cloves placed in some strategic locations where they usually hang out.  The smell that it produces can help deter pests from staying in such areas around the home. Just ensure that the cloves are replaced once they get dried up.

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Removing Pests Best 15 Natural Remedies for Getting Rid of Pests in Your House - 2

2 Cinnamon

Cinnamon is another solution that you can use against pests around your home today. Some don’t like the smell of garlic. If so, cinnamon can be a perfect alternative. You only need to get it sprinkled on the ground to prevent pests from hanging around.

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3 Cayenne

If you’ve thought that Cayenne is only good when added in dishes, you may need a rethink. It is very effective when it comes to getting rid of pests around the home. If you find any spot that ants or pets are hanging around, spray some of this pepper on it. The only snag is that you have to be careful while making use of it most, especially once it is a place that kids and pets usually stay in.

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4 Bay leaves

Are you searching for a way to get rid of moths as well as other pests that usually live in cupboards? If that is the case, there is no doubt that bay leaves will be of great help. The power is in the scent, which is why you need to replace bay leaves that should be spread in such spots.

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5 Cucumber

It may shock you to know that cucumber can also play a major role in repelling pests around your home. The peels are what you need to make this work. Just get some of them placed in areas where such pests are located in your home.

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6 Mints

Have you got some mint tea bags littering the home? Do you know that this can help to fight pests? They don’t like their smell which is why you need to get them placed in strategic spots. You will be amazed at how pests will be reduced drastically once this is done the right way. Ensure that the mint smell is still very active.

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7 DE (Diatomaceous Earth)

According to experts, diatomaceous earth can play a very vital role in the reduction of pests around any environment due to its nature. When it gets sprayed on ants, such can bring about dehydration. It is usually in powder form. All you have to do is have it sprayed on the pests to get them killed.

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DE Diatomaceous Earth to get rid of ants Best 15 Natural Remedies for Getting Rid of Pests in Your House - 14

8 Removing unhealthy water

This pest control method is effective, especially against mosquitoes. When the unhealthy water source is removed around the home, such can reduce the rate at which they breed over time. Birdbaths, pet bowls, and wading pools should be changed regularly. Gutters around the environment should be kept clean and properly drained.

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9 Candles

Are you wondering how a candle can help in getting rid of pests around the home? You only need to combine the melted wax with essential oils for this to work against flies. You can use a mixture of five parts of Citronella, lavender, and cloves. The best part about this method is that it is one of the easiest and most affordable.

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10 Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice produces a smell usually attributed to a clean home. Although most people are aware of the fact that it is excellent as a cleaning agent, most of them are unaware of its power to fight roaches around the home due to its anti-pathogenic properties.

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Getting Rid of Cockroaches in Your Kitchen Forever Best 15 Natural Remedies for Getting Rid of Pests in Your House - 20

11 Fabric Softener Spray

This way is beneficial when it comes to killing roaches around your home. You need a spray bottle, fabric softener spray, and water. Just look for the cockroaches and spray it on them. Before usage, ensure to shake the bottle. The function of this spray is that it can get them suffocated since they tend to breathe through skin.

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12 Coffee

Roaches have been discovered to enjoy coffees. This method involves you to kill them manually. All that you need to do is pour some coffee on the ground and wait. After some time, you will see roaches coming around. Just get them killed with anything. It is a trap that cockroaches fall for.

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13 Cornmeal

This method works like the mint and essential oils stated above. All you have to do is spray it where pests gather around your home at different times. It works very well against ants as they will be deterred from entering your home through its smell.

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14 Regular cleaning exercise

Although this may prove to be a demanding task, there is no doubt that it can help ants stay away from your home. Those sticky spots and crumbs around your kitchen need to be gotten rid of. Sugar and honey jars should be closed after using them. Ensure that the kitchen is always neat as this can make ants not to hang around.

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15 Basil

Basil can be planted in a container and kept close to the doorways around your home. It will help in repelling flies from such area. It is also perfect against mosquitoes.


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Nada Osama

Nada Osama, an experienced blogger with 7 years of expertise, captivates readers with her engaging content. Covering lifestyle, travel, personal development, and more, Nada offers valuable insights and practical tips to enhance readers' lives. With a passion for exploring different cultures and cuisines, Nada finds joy in immersing herself in new experiences. Her love for travel and discovering hidden gems shines through in her writing, inspiring readers to embark on their own journeys of exploration. Stay connected with Nada Osama by subscribing to our blog and joining her vibrant online community. As a respected authority in the blogging world, Nada's expertise has garnered recognition and collaborations with like-minded individuals and brands. Embark on a journey of discovery with Nada Osama as your guide. Her immersive blog will enrich your life and leave you inspired to embrace new possibilities. More »
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