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Top 5 Android App Development Languages

Android is currently the most popular mobile OS in the world. Each day, more than 2200 applications are launched onto Google’s Play Market, according to their statistics. That means at least 2200 creative programmers and Android application development services turn their brilliant ideas into existing software.

And these numbers are increasing with each day, as more and more people strive to become professional developers and create excellent programs. Of course, that path isn’t easy, but the business potential of the mobile software industry is undoubted. Because even if you don’t know how to code yourself, there are plenty of Android software development services.

How can they help you in creating an application of your own? Well, most Android development services have decades of expertise and can do anything you want, providing an additional developer workforce for your company or developing a program from scratch. You only need to find the right company for your needs and tell them what idea you want to turn into an app.

Even better, such companies are a perfect place for aspiring programmers to gain precious knowledge and experience. Because these custom Android app development services work on all kinds of projects, giving you an ideal chance to learn everything you need to become a true specialist.

Yet, even though all the opportunities this profession brings indeed look promising, a path to the top still isn’t an easy one. You’ll have to spend hundreds of hours practicing and honing your skills. And don’t forget that every single aspect of programming depends on the language you choose. So, to make things easier for you, here’s a list of the best languages for Android.

1 Kotlin

Kotlin is currently the best option any aspiring android coder can opt for. It’s the most modern one, is regularly updated, and is supported by Android itself. After all, it’s called the official programming language for Android for a reason. It was released just five years ago, in 2016, and gained popularity very quickly.

Of course, most experts are always skeptical about new languages appearing on the software development market, and Kotlin was not an exception. Though it proved to be better than its predecessor Java, nowadays, even the most nitpicky and old-school Android mobile app development services are coding in Kotlin.

What are those impressive advantages this language offers? Well, here’s a little list of some of them:

  • Readability
  • Flexibility
  • Flat learning curve
  • Full Java compatibility
  • A large number of available libraries
  • Strong community
  • Multi-platform support
  • Safety
  • Speed and comfort of coding

Many other languages offer these benefits, and they do well. It’s just that Kotlin combines everything at once on the highest level of quality.

Kotlin is currently the best option any aspiring android coder can opt for.

2 Java

Despite all the innovative and brilliant features its successor offers, Java is still a very viable option, even for beginner programmers, despite its steep learning curve. How so? Well, it’s supported by Google, and one of its IDEs, Java Android Studio, is recognized as an official IDE for Android programming. That means, creating applications is very easy, especially considering how valuable the built-in visual UI editor is.

However, it’s a very well-known fact that Java is nowhere easy to learn. It has somewhat specific syntax, and many aspects are different from what you can see in other languages. Don’t let it scare you, though, as it presents perfect opportunities for creating complex code structures. Ask any professionals from Android development services. They will tell you that you should start with Java, as through the challenges, it provides you with tons of experience and teaches you many valuable tricks.

Java Android Studio
One of its IDEs, Java Android Studio, is recognized as an official IDE for Android programming.

3 C++

There probably isn’t a list of programming languages for any device that doesn’t include C++. No wonder, as it has been the most popular one for decades. Why does everyone praise it so much? Well, first of all, because it’s a perfect starting point for any beginner. Learning C++ is easy and teaches you the most fundamental software development principles, no matter the platform.

Also, the amount of available libraries is simply stunning, allowing C++ to be used almost anywhere. But logically enough, even with all these libraries and other tools, it still has limitations and won’t give as many opportunities as Java or Kotlin. Still, it’s a perfect option, especially if you’re interested in learning other languages in the future.

Learning C++ is easy and teaches you the most fundamental software development principles, no matter the platform.

4 C#

As another derivative of the famous C language family, it always comes with its sibling C++. However, having the same roots doesn’t necessarily mean these two titans of the coding world are the same. Because even though C# shares many libraries and functions with its brother, it also takes the best features of Java to combine all of these without any complexities.

For example, it has the same brilliant garbage collection system, making the code as clean as possible. Also, C# is famous for its highly functional IDEs, namely Xamarin and Visual Studio. But what’s probably the most important thing for aspiring programmers is that Android app development services mostly use C# for game development purposes. So, if you dream of working in the game industry, then the choice is obvious.

C# and Xamarin and Visual Studio
C# is famous for its highly functional IDEs, namely Xamarin and Visual Studio.

5 Python

Python is everywhere these days. Just like a giant snake, it spreads all over the software development industry. Its popularity is so large that it may even become more commonly used than C++. What makes it so great? First of all, learning Python is so easy you won’t even believe coding can be so simple.

Secondly, it has insane flexibility, which is combined with flawless stability. And even though it can’t be considered one of the main programming languages for mobile platforms, many Android apps development services still use it for vast parts of their code. Though you’d need tools to implement everything the right way, using it as an all-around option may be challenging.

Python is everywhere these days.


Knowing how to create applications indeed is essential, but don’t forget about the importance of frameworks. They are toolsets that store a lot of valuable features, APIs, documentation, and optimization opportunities.

  • Ionic
    Ionic is currently one of the most popular cross-platform IDEs. It’s open-sourced and has all the valuable features you can think of. What’s even better, it’s open-sourced, meaning there are plenty of modifications and community support for it.
  • Xamarin
    Xamarin is an IDE made for mobile software development. It focuses on letting programmers create flawless native applications with as little effort as possible. The best language to work in Xamarin is C#. Also, it houses such convenient and innovative features as IntelliSense and AutoComplete.
  • React Native
    As the name suggests, this integrated development environment is made for native programming. As its creator said, the biggest mistake of the mobile application industry was to rely on HTML-based programs instead of native ones. So, ReactNative is here to provide you with all the tools you may need, from brilliant text editors to clever debugging systems.
Knowing how to create applications indeed is essential, but don’t forget about the importance of frameworks.

Summing Up

No matter what programming language you choose, be prepared to practice it because software development is all about practice. Don’t worry too much, though; all the challenges can be overcome with enough dedication and determination. So, stay strong, and one day you’ll become a successful app creator, or maybe even an owner of one of the best Android app development services. Good luck!

Nada Osama

Nada Osama, an experienced blogger with 7 years of expertise, captivates readers with her engaging content. Covering lifestyle, travel, personal development, and more, Nada offers valuable insights and practical tips to enhance readers' lives. With a passion for exploring different cultures and cuisines, Nada finds joy in immersing herself in new experiences. Her love for travel and discovering hidden gems shines through in her writing, inspiring readers to embark on their own journeys of exploration. Stay connected with Nada Osama by subscribing to our blog and joining her vibrant online community. As a respected authority in the blogging world, Nada's expertise has garnered recognition and collaborations with like-minded individuals and brands. Embark on a journey of discovery with Nada Osama as your guide. Her immersive blog will enrich your life and leave you inspired to embrace new possibilities. More »
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