Even though you might be an active summer person, and is not really into the atmospheres formed neither in fall nor winter, you cannot deny the fact that boots are one of the earth’s best inventions. If there is no denial, then this is, at least, the one thing you can fall in love with, and look forward to, when summer is coming to an end. It is actually sad that boots were only meant for only cold or blustery weather. Here, we provide a pool of fashionable boot trends that you can try any of them when the time is right. Check them out.
1 A Real Platform Boots
If you have no clue, platform boots are those that make you look like you are standing on a stage-leveled ground. They make you taller but, unlike the traditional heels, your whole feet is on the same level. These Michael Kors boots are a lot like something Lady Gaga would put on, since it is really too high as if you are standing on a real stage. They are very stylish, but you gotta have second thoughts before wearing them, and more importantly, you should consider the place you are heading to.
2 Up To-The-Knees Boots
A long boot that extends to your knees along with laces all the way up is going to give you the decent look you’re looking for. Try to go for plain outfits to add contrast with that elegant-looking boot.
3 Colorful Boots
Wearing boots with several contrasting shades gives you a warm decent look. Besides the beautiful colors these boots have, the thin relatively short heels add a lot to its elegance.
4 Velvet Boots
Velvet-covered boots keep you feeling and looking warm when the temperature is way too low. They are stylish and fashionable too.
5 Fringing Boots
In spite the fact that these boots bring the 70’s fashion into action, they give you the look of a reckless and so full of life youth. These fringes can actually revive your style, and you can never go wrong with such an appearance. Another thing about these boots, is the variable lengths they have to offer; ranging from the long ones that extend above the knees to the relatively short ankle-leveled ones.
6 Classic Boots
The classic boots are a bit old-fashioned, but they never really go out of date, and that might actually go back to the high-quality of the leather covering it, They are always elegant and classy to go with.