
6 Steps Help You To Prevent Getting Sick

Illnesses are various and some of them could transfer from someone to another. There is a kind of person who gets sick very easily, if you are like this person, so you should learn how to prevent illnesses. In this article, we will show you 6 steps that will help you in preventing yourself and your household from getting sick.

1. Consider to take your medication: make sure that you take your medication regularly, you can ask your doctor about all the precaution you should take to prevent getting sick so easily.



2. Wash your hands: you should wash your hands often as after using the rest room, after eating, cooking, before going to eat and it is very important to wash your hands after touching things which you know that there are others who have touched. Here are some examples such as: handrails, amusement parks, your phone and the flusher on the toilet. It is very important to wash your hands after using the toilet as toilets could transfer germs up to 15 feet.




3. Try to stay away as possible as you can from persons who are sneezing, specially those persons who do not cover their mouths while sneezing.

4. You have to wash your clothes after being with the sick people: you should wash your clothes after being around people who are sneezing as when people sneeze, the germs transfer and spread anywhere from 4 to 8 feet and stay on your clothes. So, you have to wash your clothes to prevent getting sick.


5. A tip on bathroom: when you get to use the toilet paper, cut off one piece and throw it away, then take as many sheets as you need.


6. Breathe through your nose: if you breathe through your mouth, so you are breathing in unfiltered air which has germs. You have to use your nose to breathe through it as our noses have small hairs that could filter out germs and provide you with a clean and pure air.



Maria Olson

Maria Olson is a freelance writer with over five years of experience. She specializes in writing about many lifestyle topics including travel and culture, and her work has been published in many worldwide magazines. Maria holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism has received several awards for her writing. When she's not writing, Maria enjoys exploring new destinations and trying new foods. She is also an avid photographer and has captured stunning images from her travels around the world. Check her articles to learn more about her upcoming projects.
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