Categories: Lifestyle

15 Stunning Images Of A Supermoon Taken In Different Locations

Supermoon is the coincidence when the full moon appears in the sky, it is called the perigee full moon which occurs when the moon approach to the earth in its closest point of its orbit. This phenomenon makes the moon to look 14% bigger and 40% brighter than its usual view.

This phenomenon of supermoon takes place on 23, June of 2013 and the night sky was illuminated by bigger and brighter supermoon. People get out of their houses to interest with seeing this beautiful view of the full moon which was illuminating the night sky. The phenomenon of supermoon is like a kind of illusion to see the moon bigger than houses and trees and brighter than you used to see it in usual.

Check Out These 15 Stunning Images Of A Supermoon Taken In Different Locations

Athens, Greece
Seattle, Washington
San Diego, California
Southampton, United Kingdom
Uttar Pradesh, India
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
New York City, New York
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Washington, D.C.
DeKalb, Illinois
Austin, Texas
Beirut, Lebanon
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Glastonbury, England
Cordoba, Spain