
The 20 Most Common Fashion Trends & Fads in 1920’s

The world of fashion always presents to us new trends and fads that catch our eyes and encourage us to follow them. But before talking more about these fads and trends, we need first to know the meaning of the word “fads” and the relation between this word and the word “trends”. Both of the words fads and trends refer to new and interesting ideas that are presented by designers to allow the customers to change their style and follow other things which are more fashionable. The difference between the two words is created by the period of time in which the new ideas last. The word “fad” which is also referred to as a craze is used to refer to the new fashion ideas that spread among people quickly and become popular but they last for a short period of time as they gradually disappear or become a regular thing that exists in the society.

On the other hand, the word trend refers to the fashion ideas that people are interested in and follow for a long period of time unlike fads which quickly fade. Fads are difficult to be tracked because they quickly disappear but trends can be easily tracked because they last for enough period of time that make them easily observed. Sometimes the trends of the past are used by current designers as an inspiration for renewing the trends that we already have and for presenting new ideas in the world of fashion to customers who differ in their tastes.

Some of the latest fashion trends that are presented in the new year are inspired by what was presented in the last years whether it is in the 1950’s or 1920’s. If you do not have any idea about the fads and trends that were popular in the 1920’s and 1950’s, take a look at the following fads and trends that are taken from the past.

The most common fashion trends and fads in 1920’s

Hats which were a must during that time as you can rarely find a man or even a woman without a hat
Hats which were a must during that time as you can rarely find a man or even a woman without a hat


Conk hairdo which was common among both men and women
Conk hairdo which was common among both men and women
Cloche hats that were decorated through using ribbons or pins in the front
Cloche hats that were decorated through using ribbons or pins in the front


Wing tipped shoes which were very common at that time and appeared with wing tips and dark colored trims.
Wing tipped shoes which were very common at that time and appeared with wing tips and dark colored trims.
Zippers which started to be used for the first time and quickly spread among people for being cheaper than the buttons that were mainly used at that time
Zippers which started to be used for the first time and quickly spread among people for being cheaper than the buttons that were mainly used at that time
Zoot suits that were presented with higher-waist and wide leg pants and long coats but they fortunately did not last till now.
Zoot suits that were presented with higher-waist and wide leg pants and long coats but they fortunately did not last till now.


Bright Red Lipstick which is still common at that time and is worn by many women
Bright Red Lipstick which is still common at that time and is worn by many women


Other funny trends and fads that you may like

Hood ornaments
Hood ornaments


Swallowing goldfish
Swallowing goldfish

Swallowing Goldfish

Collecting stamp
Collecting stamp
Pea shooting
Pea shooting


Lisa Chen

Lisa Chen, an experienced Canadian journalist, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the world of news reporting. With a passion for uncovering stories that matter, Lisa Chen has established herself as a respected voice in journalism, delivering insightful and impactful coverage. With over 12 years of experience in the field, Lisa Chen has honed her skills as an investigative journalist, diving deep into complex issues and shedding light on critical matters affecting Canadian society. Her dedication to providing accurate, unbiased, and thought-provoking content has earned her a reputation for excellence within the industry. As a seasoned journalist, Lisa Chen possesses a keen eye for detail and a talent for crafting compelling narratives. Her articles and reports are characterized by meticulous research and a commitment to presenting diverse perspectives. Lisa's writing captivates readers, allowing them to engage with the stories on a profound level. With a focus on Canadian affairs, Lisa Chen has covered a wide range of topics, including politics, social justice, and environmental issues. Her reporting delves beneath the surface, challenging prevailing narratives and offering nuanced insights. Lisa's ability to distill complex information into accessible and engaging content has garnered her a loyal following of readers. Beyond… More »
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